S.O.T.D. Saturday 8th March to Friday 14th March 2014

Drink: Coffee
Pre-shave: Hot shower. RSC face scrub
Cream: Professor Blighty - Coconut, Lime & Rum
Brush: EJ Best Badger
Razor: Muhle R89
Blade: Gillette Rubie Platinum Plus (Rapira)
Passes: WTG, XTG, ATG
Post-Shave: Professor Blighty A/S Balsam - Coconut, Lime & Grapefruit.
Fragrance: C&S Cuba

amazing shave! so smooth. Felt awful this morning, but after jumping in the shower and walking out with this shave I felt a million dollars!
Ha, neither!
Scent is really nice. Floral, but not flowery (if that makes sense).
Got two bags of samples from B&M (one will end up on BST soon).
gartbnx said:
SOTD 08 03 2014
Saw that Blue stuff on ebay and wondered what it's like. How is the smell and performance?

This evening's shave:

English Wilkie (sixth shave!)
Flare Tip Rocket
vintage Imperial Leather shaving soap
Turkish no. 6 brush
Palmer's cocoa butter

Excellent. I started off with the ATT but my skin didn't like it today so I'll try again with it tomorrow (or myabe the Shavecraft head instead)
Prep: Hot Water
Soap: Floris London N°89
Brush: Simpson M7 Buttherscotch 2 band in Silvertip
Razor: Gillette Aristocrat
Blade : Feather
Post : Cold Water and Alum Block
AS : Floris London N°89
EDT: Floris London N°89

G'Day Mate face wash and scrub
T&H 1805 cream
Simpsons Badger
Merkur 33c with OC head
Gillette Super Thin (2)
Cold rinse, Alum & Witch Hazel
Aqua Velva
1805 cologne

Bit late posting last night's effort but another great BBS shave.

Sunday 9th March 2014
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Junior 1912 Baton Handle
Blade: Treet Carbon
Brush: Semogue 2000 Boar
Soap: Wilkinson Sword Stick grated
Aftershave: Floid Balm


Prep: Shower & Myrsol Emulsion
Razor: iKon Straight bar & Permasharp
Cream: Castler Forbes Lavender
Brush: Simpsons E3 Super
Bowl: Aesop
Post: Krampert's Bay Rum.

The iKon straight bar is a notable step-up in aggressivness from the Executive Shaving Braveheart head I've been using since it turned up on Tuesday. Further confirmation that the iKon is too much but the Braveheart is spot-on for me. The Krampert's smells nice, but doesn't actually feel as moisturising for me as many others it seems. Today I put on more than usual and it's left my skin feeling very tight, it does feel soft though.
Pre: Hot Flannel then Proraso Pre Sensitive while Lathering
Brush: Muhle Black fibre Rytmo
Soap: Body shop macca root
Razor: Ever Ready 1912
Blade: Gem Stainless
Post: Gillette After shave Gel, that I am using up has Aloe Vera in it and acts much more like an after shave balm.

Good shave but still working on under the nose with an SE, one side not too bad, had to tidy up with my Progress.
Enjoying the SE experiment, think it will go into rotation but more of a relaxed weekend shave.