S.O.T.D. Saturday 7th May 2016 to Friday 13th May 2016

Three Pass Shaving Routine...

Hot Water prep & massage with Argan Oil
Eicker Solingen 7/16th
Kent BK 2 Pure Badger
Haslinger Tallow Soap
Logona Mann Balm

I had my Maiden Shave Tonight with my Freshly Honed Eicker Solingen 7/16..This is the 1st Time that I have Honed an SR..I have been using Lapping Film for sometime & have been getting good consistent results with SE Hollow Ground & Wedge Blades..

I am currently getting a set of Naniwa Super stones together..I was a Wee Bit Canny Honing this SR..I had to Do One Extra Pass to get the usual results I would Normally get from a Professionally Honed Blade..I have never Shaved with such a Small Blade either..Not quite as Smooth or Keen Edge as I am used to but I had a Darn Close & Irritation Free Shave Tonight..


Proraso soap
NF Tubby 2
British Ever Ready 1912
Gem blade
Pinaud Clubman AS
Nivea Crème

A great shave, the 1912 is a great little razor. Nice and efficient and is light so can be whizzed around your face. Three passes and BBS results. Since the weather still seems to be nice I had my first cold water shave of the year too, nice and refreshing!
Pitralon Original also known as Swiss Pitralon (based on the original 1927 cologne) match as one's finger ring with Le Pere Lucien Cologne Fougere ONLY if the floral scent notes are predominant to you as it happens to me. Some people prefer Penhaligon's English Fern to match with this superb soap.