S.O.T.D. Saturday 4th October to Friday 10th October 2014

RazoR'OC'k-tober (10 Oct)
Pre: RazoRock/HTGAM mentholated lime soap
Soap: Super Smooth - Wickham Soap Co. - Bay rum
Brush: Certifyd #5 with 24mm silvertip
Razor: Ikon OSS
Blade: NOS Personna74 (7)
Post: Thayer's witch hazel, followed by Captain's Choice bay rum
First shave with my restored Certifyd brush. Even though this only has a 24mm hybrid-fan silvertip knot, it feels massive on my face.
Soft tips with nice backbone. P74 blade is still going strong but I can tell the edge is starting to fade.
D.R. Harris Sandalwood shaving soap (sample)
Shavemac 177 Silvertip
ATT M2 Kronos
Gillette 7 O'Clock Black (4)
Speick ASB
Speick EDT

Used the DR Harris Sandalwood sample again today. Had trouble getting a nice lather from it, perhaps due to the size of the sample?


I consider the ER 1924 (Shovelhead) one of the most aggressive of all SE's, of all the SE's I own IMHO only the GEM OCMM is more aggressive, I can however get a great shave from the 1924 but they do require a more gentle touch than many razors.

Prep- Hot water
Soap- Cella
Brush- Muhle V2
Razor- ATT M1 Kronos
Blade- Personna 'Barber' [4]
Post- Myrsol Agua Balsamica

First use of the brush lathers the Cella like a demon, going to try it on the Stirling soaps next!

I'm trying mine tomorrow, and that is a concern for me. Any tips?

I stuck the sample in the bottom of a shaving bowl that I had warmed up in hot water, then tried to load the brush till my wrist couldn't take anymore... The lather still came out frothy, but the shave was surprisingly smooth nevertheless. I imagine it would be much easier to load from a full puck. The scent is rather complex and 'clean' like an expensive bar of bath soap, very nice!

Good luck with your experiment tomorrow