S.O.T.D. Saturday 4th June to Friday 10th June 2016

7th June 2016
Gillette Techmatic 3254971 Patent Anniversary

Cold Water Shave

Bulldog Shower Gel
Wickham's 1912 Parma Violet
Gillette Standard w/Haryali Silvertip Synthetic
Face Lathered
Gillette Techmatic 8(1)
Single Pass - WTG (Slide)

Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
YSL Kouros Aftershave & EDT
Pinaud Clubman Hair Tonic​

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the patent granted to the much maligned Gillette Techmatic. What promise, but what a let down ... the Techmatic certainly looks the part, reputedly went into space on the Apollo 11 mission but delivers a shave somewhat lacking.

Whether that is down to the poor stock of blade reels or whether it's just a poor shave, I don't know. What I do know is I have what appears to be a decent blade reel and so having last shaved with it exactly one year ago rolled it around to a fresh piece of blade and got on with my shave ...

I am very happy with this reknotted Gillette Standard brush. I've used the knot from the Haryali synthetic brushes, which has a real badger feel. Curious, as I abhor badger but rather like this knot - it's probably the closest to badger that I've used, certainly more so than Muhle Silvertip Fibre which is the greatest contender.

I am also very happy with the taster that I've had of Wickham's 1912 line of soaps. Parma Violet is quite gorgeous! It's simple, as it should be; works really well with these vintage aromatic fougeres, first experienced with Quorum and today Kouros. Lovely! It's the powderiness, I think ...

So, the shave went okay. Here's to the Gillette Techmatic, a razor which is squarely on the esoteric pile, even for a fellow like me. There is hope, though ... I found that the nice white case (as pictured) is a prefect case for the present Gillette Guard.

Love the B&W theme here
Wed 8th June
Vulfix 404
OSP Bay Rum
Gem 1912 " Damaskeene"
Gem S/S [ 1 ] + 1/2 Spine Shim
Alum Rub/Rinse Off
Aqua Velva A/S

A New Blade ! So What.
This morning was one of those days when Shaving is a delight. Got the moisture right on the brush so that it worked with the soap well, and while applying the lather on the face , I could feel the brush doing its job of working it into the skin.

The 1912 with a shim, was so Smooth I was able without any fuss to get a Top Class Shave. The " Damaskeene " for me, has to be the supreme 1912 Razor. Will use again tomorrow, without the shim.

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