S.O.T.D. Saturday 3rd January to Friday 9th January 2015

Contrary to initial impressions, the B&M Beaudelaire is starting to grow on me. It really is a highly complex scent.

Performance is without question though, as with other B&M products.
Long comb New
Nanny's olive oil shaving croap - vetiver
Rapira Platinum Lux
Vulfix Grosvenor
Laber aftershave balm

Another try using a rarely used Russian blade in the New and another disappointment. Gets through the stubble nicely on the first pass then seems to slow right down. Face is fine but neck could be closer. If I keep perservering with the neck it'll end up very sore and probably little smoother.
I shall try a fresh one of this blade and the Voskhods in my control razor, the Progress.

The Turkish balm smells like watermelon and works well.
It's a repost but my SOTDs are based on only a few products now, and I haven't the imagination/kit to do anything interesting regularly. It's just phone snaps. Just realised this is last week's thread. What an idiot!