S.O.T.D. Saturday 3rd January to Friday 9th January 2015

Dove cream wash
Proraso pre shave
Castle Forbes lavender cream
Ikon oss
Gillette super thin new stainless
Alum rinse
Lucky tiger aftershave lotion
Castle Forbes lavender balm

Best shave in years!

There was an abundance of lather, so much so that I had to open the window!

That handle gets some of the most use from my DEs and SEs, nice weight, length and a pretty design. I guess it's just too modern for your antiquated taste, Paul
The photo's a bit wacky actually - dust on the sensor, purple haze added post-production and the razor head looks brass and very different colour from the handle but actually they are almost the same colour. Also the blade slipped a bit because the razor fell over during photo setup.
I'm enjoying the 1914 (pictured) you sent me and it tells me it's very happy paired with the Cadet handle. Today it not only sounded like buttering toast but also a bit like a duck call - really.

I see you're have fun with the Junior Bar and its toy handle. I think it feels like you're kind of pulling the razor along instead of holding the handle like a pen - difficult to explain really. I'll take mine for a run tomorrow.

That Omega 98 brush just gets better with use - enjoy.
Nanny's vetiver olive oil shaving soap
Vulfix grosvenor
Long comb New
Voskhod Teflon
Floid Black

Haven't used a Voskhod for probably a few years. Quickly got rid of 80% of thirty six hours' growth but had real trouble getting a close finish on my neck.
The smell of Floid Black made up for it!
Vulfix 404
AOS Sandalwood Tallow SS
Feather blade (2)
Irisch Moos AS

Second go of the goose was a closer shave but a couple of weepers. No irritation and I think I may have got the angle.
An eclectic mix tonight
Proraso eucalyptus pre shave
Imperial Tonic with a squirt of Palmolive cream
Damaskeene with a Feather stainless and a GEM back, great on the face but too aggressive on the head
Gillette slim set on no4 for the head shave
witch hazel
TOBS sandlewood balm
I like the complexity, straight out the tub it's vetiver first and then I get liquorice. Develops throughout to a light berry citrus with vetiver really nice stuff.