S.O.T.D. Saturday 31st January to Friday 6th February 2015

Thurs 5th February

Neutrogena Glycerine Soap
Vulfix 404 mixed
Proraso Green Cream
ER Streamline
Gem coated [ 2 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Woods of WindsorA/S Balm
Myrsol Antesol

MMOC V Other SE [ ER & GEM ]
Streamline gets better, a less aggressive shave than with MMOC- able to polish up
easily for one of my best ever shaves . See how OC goes with worn in blade.

Razor: Kropp 5/8
Strop: Waterhouse linen & leather
Brush: Semogue OC 2 band
Soap: Wickham Sea Spray
AS: Lucky Tiger
Balm: Zirh Soothe
EDT (in morning): AdP Colonia

This is one of my 'hone learning' razors. I think it's almost, but not quite, there.

It passes the HHT on most areas of the blade but I'm having difficulty getting a really close shave (as in BBS) with it.

I think to get a really good shave with a straight (as I have a tough beard) the HHT needs to really 'pop' when I do it. I shall go back to the 12K hone this weekend and do some gentle circles (though I'm wary of overhoning too).

Still, tidied up with a Schick stick so a good finish.

Love this EDT. Expensive but really worth it.
Soap : Calani Earl Grey
Brush : Simpsons Classic 2 Best Badger
Razor : Cobra Classic (Courtesy of Dharte001)
Blade : Kai Captain Mild
Post : D.R Harris Arlington Aftershave Milk
Fragrance : D.R Harris Arlington Cologne

Great Shave!

Thursday 5th February 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: Schick I1 Injector
Blade: Personna Stainless Coated
Brush: Semogue Mistura
Soap: Speick Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Lapidus Pour Homme


Prep: cold water splash
Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: MWF
Razor: Fatboy
Blade: Rainbow

Second shave with the Rainbow what a difference, never really had this with a blade before, quite tuggy on first shave but got better with each pass, this one super smooth.
Maybe it was the amount of soap as I had to keep re-soaping my new 830 that thing eats it.

Cheers Paul
Proraso Red tub
Omega boar
Weber PH
Polsilver SI
Proraso White ASB
Davidoff Coolwater EDT

Quick 2 pass tidy up. Proraso red is a fantastic soap, never fails to deliver a very comfortable shave.
Mongoose & Kai Pink
Thäter 4125/1 2-band
Speick shaving stick
No7 Replenishing Balm
Unrefined shea butter

Uncomfortable shave. Scrapey. Binned the Kai and will have a play with some different razors for a bit.
Tabac Soap
Omega 49
Weber PH Bulldog
Gillette NOS Super Stainless [2]
Bayliss and Harding Black Pepper and Ginseng ASB
Boss Orange EDT
Another nice shave from the Weber and Gillette.
Hot water face splash
Exfoliating face wash with Dr. Squatch Pine Tar Soap
Esbjerg Shaving Cream Verbena
Simpsons Chubby 2 BB
Mongoose Satin Finish c/w Big Bomber (Batch #2)*
Feather Super Professional Single Edge*
Cold water face splash
Crow & Sparrow Wares Naturally Handcrafted Aftershave Tonic - Cedar Saffron

*Second use of the Mongoose tonight with the Feather Super Pro - I find myself continuing to tread very carefully, as the heft of the Mongoose plus the lethal Feather Super Pro leaves you in no doubt that a drop of red is a millisecond away unless total and absolute concentration is afforded to the task at hand. That said, I have had the two closest shaves that I can remember with this combination, but man, is it hard work. I think I may have to explore the Kai SE route...