S.O.T.D. Saturday 2nd May to Friday 8th May 2015

A very nice shave.

Razor: Weber PH w/ Bulldog handle
Blade: Ladas
Brush: L'Occitane Plisson
Soap: Arko
A/S: Myrsol Emulsion (love it1)

For those curious how it 'ranked' in my highly subjective list here's that:

Evening, all.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJDE89
Blade: Tesco own brand (7)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave cream: Erasmic
Aftershave: Hai Karate
Prep - Shower / Pre-lather / 3 min steam towel
Razor - Gillette Fatboy
Blade - Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Stainless Green (#3)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko with Menthol Crystals
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS

Like going to dinner with a good friend, an evenings pleasure with the Fatboy. I got some menthol crystals to add to the old dependable Arko. How'd it go? Well put it like this, from here on I shall be referring to them by their proper name - MENTAL crystals!
I realise that first time, I may have slightly over estimated the amount to add but I think walking through a room that they're in, would be suffice. It is most likely akin to jumping from a great height into sub zero saltwater after first having your facial skin removed with a hatchet!
So to the blade, I've been very impressed with these, very comfortable and forgiving but after three shaves, I'm not sure number four would be as good, better safe than sorry.
One thing I'd neglected to mention previously though, was that it seemed to catch on the silo doors of my Slim Adjustable when I took it out. The same thing happened tonight. I don't believe I've found this with any other blade, perhaps someone may shed some light as to a possible reason? Won't detract from the shave though, very smooth results.
One of my favourite parts of my routine is the frozen towel I use after shaving. I keep it on for somewhere between thirty seconds and a minute. Anyone familiar with it may attest to the feeling after taking it off. The blood very quickly rushes into the area to heat the skin again, bringing oxygen with it.
I'd swear this helps healing, but regardless, it feels amazing!
Tonight was ever so slightly different to the norm. The mental crystals magnified the effect of the big freeze, in much the same way an afterburner magnifies thrust!
The results speak for themselves though, a ridiculously smooth, irritation-free face, like running your finger along wet rubber.
It may not sound like it but I highly recommend it......just don't turn the dial up eleven!

Prep - Shower / Pre-lather / 3 min steam towel
Razor - Gillette Fatboy
Blade - Gillette 7 O'Clock Super Stainless Green (#3)
Brush - Omega 20106
Soap - Arko with Menthol Crystals
After - Frozen towel / Alum & WH Mix
Result - BBS

Like going to dinner with a good friend, an evenings pleasure with the Fatboy. I got some menthol crystals to add to the old dependable Arko. How'd it go? Well put it like this, from here on I shall be referring to them by their proper name - MENTAL crystals!
I realise that first time, I may have slightly over estimated the amount to add but I think walking through a room that they're in, would be suffice. It is most likely akin to jumping from a great height into sub zero saltwater after first having your facial skin removed with a hatchet!
So to the blade, I've been very impressed with these, very comfortable and forgiving but after three shaves, I'm not sure number four would be as good, better safe than sorry.
One thing I'd neglected to mention previously though, was that it seemed to catch on the silo doors of my Slim Adjustable when I took it out. The same thing happened tonight. I don't believe I've found this with any other blade, perhaps someone may shed some light as to a possible reason? Won't detract from the shave though, very smooth results.
One of my favourite parts of my routine is the frozen towel I use after shaving. I keep it on for somewhere between thirty seconds and a minute. Anyone familiar with it may attest to the feeling after taking it off. The blood very quickly rushes into the area to heat the skin again, bringing oxygen with it.
I'd swear this helps healing, but regardless, it feels amazing!
Tonight was ever so slightly different to the norm. The mental crystals magnified the effect of the big freeze, in much the same way an afterburner magnifies thrust!
The results speak for themselves though, a ridiculously smooth, irritation-free face, like running your finger along wet rubber.
It may not sound like it but I highly recommend it......just don't turn the dial up eleven!