S.O.T.D. Saturday 27th December 1914 to Friday 2nd January 2015

Team Proraso
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Proraso pre-shave - sensitive
Soap: Proraso Green
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: Vulfix 404 Bodger
Razor: ATT R1 + templ8 100mm handle
Blade: Rapira SS (3)
After: Proraso AS, Proraso ASB

Normally I don't care much for menthol but since having a cold means I've lost most of my sense of smell I thought this might do my sinuses some good. Great performance from all Proraso products as expected.

The last two shaves with an ATT/Rapira pairing left me with slightly sore skin, like I'd removed a tad too much. So today I used a handle crafted by our very own templ8. The weight of the handle end subtracted from the razor head weight and greatly improved the razor's performance to give a gentler shave. So my evil plan worked. I might even give this blade a fourth shave which as a rule I don't do - go figure.

It'll soon be the weekend (as Wreckless Eric once said).

Prep- Hot towel
Soap- Barrister & Mann Adagio
Brush- Muhle V2
Razor- ATT M2 Kronos
Blade- Polsilver [1]
Post- alum,B&M AS

BBS but picked up a couple of weepers and slight irritation on lower neck but soon cleared up with the alum and aftershave.
Friday 2nd January

Warm shower
Hot towel
CRSW Select Sandalwood scuttle lathered
Finest Badger brush made by myself
Gillette Aristocrat Junior, Rocket head (1953-54)
Rapira Platinum Lux (2)
Cold rinse
Thayers Lavender witch hazel
Boots Freshwood aftershave
Friday 2nd January 2015

Neutrogena- applied by brush as a trial. Nice and slick.
Vulfix 404 mixed
Ingrams menthol[/align]
Ever Ready 1924 shovel head
Gem Coated [3 ]
alum Rub/ Rinse off
Nivea Sensitive A/S Balm
Floid Vigoroso A/S

Took more Care,so trouble free Shave. Rather late in day,which is good as missing
am shave tomorrow, as off to Birthday Party ,so later shave in order.
Thought I'd try and get back into taking photos.

My two favourite hobbie's/pastimes in one image.

Pre: Warm water + Prep pre shave
Soap: Godrej Shaving Round
Brush: Omega 10005
Razor: Ever Ready 1914
Aftershave: LEA Classic

All was well until I splashed on the aftershave, my face felt like it was on fire..Don't think it agrees with me somehow.
Still managed a BBS though :icon_biggrin:
Cold water splash
Palmolive Stick (grated)
TGN 24mm Finest in Commodore X3 handle
ATT M2 Kronos
Personna Lab Blue (4)
Myrsol Emulsion

If Palmolive had a better, or no scent for that matter, it would be a top soap in my book. Unremarkable scent is the reason I only use it occasionally.
January 2nd, 2015

  • [*]Plisson Horn #20 HWM 2-Band
    [*]Acqua di Parma shaving cream (original formula)
    [*]Mongoose Mirror Polish head w/ UFO Goliath + Feather Pro (3)
    [*]Acqua di Parma Colonia Collezione Barbiere After Shave Balm (original formula)

NSS bamboo and grape, faced lathered
Semogue 830
Weber PH bulldog
Rapira stainless (1)
Blue stratos AS
Boss Orange
Gillette moisturiser
Nice shave today, superb lather from the Nanny's..
January 1st, 2015

New Year Day's shave (away from home and I didn't have opportunity to upload)

Shave cream is Tabula Rasa Vetiver & Tangerine (which is brilliant) and the BIC metal disposable which is far more aggressive than the BIC sensitive and prefect for me. Finished off with Trumpers Sandalwood Skin Food. Very smooth shave which is unusual when away from home.

Happy New Year everyone.
Razor: Michael Waterhouse 7/8 Buffalo Horn
Brush: Rod Neep Zebra Silvertip
Soap: Lebelle Barbershop
ASB: Baxter Of California

Michael gave me the opportunity to have a go with one of his creations. It was a real pleasure to shave with.
