S.o.t.D Saturday 24th May to Friday 30th May 2014

... another "not a long comb" but the tail end of a run of razors which are very much related. Later Techs are a bit lighter, these last two are simply British long combs without the comb.

Hot Towel
Stirling Bergamot & Lavender Soap
Kent Infinity Silvertex
Gillette Tech (Canada 1932)
Gillette 365 Stainless [1]
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Brut Original Aftershave

Face Lathered
Three Pass - WTG, XTG & GTX

What a surprise! What a great blade! Very smooth and very efficient!

I get the impression that this might be a really sharp and potentially blood-letting blade, but in a Tech ... what a great shave!

The soap was just lovely, and deepening that simple scent with the aftershave made for a great finish.

What a bonny shave!

About time to clear some stubble.

Palmolive soap
Semogue SOC Boar
Gillette Silver Blue
Pinaud Vanilla AS

Two and a bit passes and the job was done. Much better!

Certainly worth a go. We'll see how it goes tomorrow...

Worth considering, but it whips up a great lather with Arko and Ingrams creams... Ill try loading more soap....

NotTheStig said:
The TOBS soaps are crap unfortunately.

Awesome! Thats my experience so far (fairly new to this too), so I've not got a lot to compare it too, but compared to my £1 polish creams it RUBBISH!
Smells nice though...
Superdrug face scrub
Edwin Jagger Chatsworth ebony synthetic bristle shaving brush
Wilkinson Sword shaving soap
Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley chrome razor with Merkur top plate
Shark super chrome razor blade
L Occitane CADE aftershave balm.

Another nice smooth shave.
I'll jump in here today as it was a special occasion - my Granny's 90th birthday bash.

Gillette #58, Personna LB
Hand-carved Beech 24mm Finest Two-band
Barbershop Bay Rum
Unrefined Shea Butter
James Bronnley Original EdT

Lang may yer lum reek, Granny!

Gairdner said:
I'll jump in here today as it was a special occasion - my Granny's 90th birthday bash.

Lang may yer lum reek, Granny!

Great pic. I have no idea what you wished Granny, but going back to when I was a kid, I'm pretty sure saying that to Gramma D woulda got my mouth washed out with soap quick like.

No Dodgy, granny would think you were a wee stoatir

L'Occitane soap face wash
Liz Earle Sensitive Shave Cream (superb)
Piccolo OC
Mystery Gillette Platinum
Omega 107
Witch Hazel
The Mighty Veg

Top class shave with the unknown blade, a really Vegtastic performance..
Prep: Hot Water
Soap: Stirling Soap Sharp Dressed Man
Brush: Simpson Milk Churn in Best
Razor: British Gillette Aristocrat #22
Blade: Feather
Moustache Razor: The Mab Dwarf Razor
Post: Cold Water and Alum Block
AS: Floris London Santal


Best wishes to your Granny, Graeme
As for you Martin haven't you learned any thing about the Scottish people?

Haha! I grant you that it doesn't trip off the tongue like elegant prose but it translates into, "Long may your chimney smoke". Meaning that you are wishing the person a long life. She's had a good innings already but I reckon she'll get her telegram from the Queen yet.

T'was a great day yesterday and to top it off, Hibs got relegated too! What's green, white and cries into its cornflakes? :icon_lol:
Gairdner said:
I'll jump in here today as it was a special occasion - my Granny's 90th birthday bash.

Lang may yer lum reek, Granny!

Belated happy birthday and congratulations, Granny Gairdner.

You're looking very dapper, Graeme! I thought you were much more bohemian.
Well I don't often post in this - but since its bank holiday Monday I had a little more time to faff around.

My EKS straight - which I am rather fond of - I restored it, re-pinned it, cleaned it and yesterday managed to hone it (honing is something I am trying to learn how to do atm)

Today a wonderful shave

Razor - EKS
Brush - Rod Neep, Dreadnought in Cobalt Blue
Soap - Wickham Super Smooth
Astringent - Squirt of Witch Hazel/Gylcerine mix
Aftershave - Proraso Green
Balm - Alphy & Becs Egyptian Prince (My favourite balm)

Smooth as a babys bum! - bring on the rest of the Bank Holiday

p.s. My photographic skills are naff so I opted for the "cartoonify" option on my Galaxy S3 lol
If not bohemian then certainly rustic. I do dress like this most days, waistcoat excepted, although I intend acquiring others once I've got more weight off. Unless, that is, I am knee deep in Scottish mud/clay doing a spot of 'gairdning' when tatty, patched denims, old scruffy shirts and a blue jumper of sorts usually prevail - the Geoff Hamilton of the north but without the skill and genial nature. Cords and moleskins often take the place of the more presentable denims on days where I am not trying to immerse myself in the very earth of this oft sodden country but a suit to my name, I do not have. Well, not unless I lose around five and a half stone.....:blush:

I like that picture, me old fruit. Looks great, so it does! Rod Neep's Dreadnought handle is a thing of sheer beauty as well as practicality and has become a design icon to me although I do not own one, alas.