S.O.T.D. Saturday 22nd March to Friday 28th March 2014

Sunday Night

... and it feels right for my batshit crazy Durham Artist Club.

Let's pour a fresh Guinness, line up some Birthday Massacre on the 'tunes and get cracking.

Hot Towel
T&H Ultimate Comfort Pre-Shave Oil
Wickham Soap Company 1904 Mentholated (Prototype)
Pure Badger 23mm
Durham Artist Club - Personna Carbon Steel [4]
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Clubman Aftershave

Face Lathered
Two Pass - Both WTG

Lovely face feel after the soap - it's a gentle kiss of mint rather than an arctic face freeze, very nice to use, lathers well and face lathered, a really fine experience in preparation for my custom Kamisorified Durham Duplex frankenrazor!

It played out very well indeed! Two with the grain passes and I'm smooth again. I'm not talking baby smooth, but what you might call a damn fine shave leaving me feeling very happy.

Versus the traditional scaled Durham Duplex, I got on better with my custom design. I tend to prefer the Kamisori-style long hand rather than folded scales.

The blade was quite dull now after four shaves, the first quite rough, second smoother, third smoothest ... so, I stropped it afterwards on a leather belt. It felt sharp again, so I'll give it a run next time and see how my stropping faired.

Clubman for afters ... superb!
Omega Boar (cracked handle - OMG need a new a brush!)
RSC Cream face lather
Rapira Super Stainless 3
Nivea ASB
Boss Orange
1st shave with Rapira SS I was disappointed, with a rough shave, persevered for a 2nd shave and it was very close and smooth. Tonight's 3rd go was equally good. I now highly rate this blade
Prep: Cold Water Splash
Razor: Old Type head (Rhodium) Weber Bulldog handle
Blade: Rapira Super Stainless (1)
Brush Gecko Stumpy Walnut 2-Band
Soap: Valobra Stick
Post: Witch Hazel Splash
Aftershave: Aqua Velva

I haven't used this head for a while. After using the New Improved head for the last couple of shaves, i thought it was about time i used it again.

I had a lovely smooth shave. (2 pass cold water face lather)
Monday morning:

Dovo Best Quality 6/8"
Semogue Owners Club Bristle
D.R. Harris Levanter, soa
Taylor of Old Bond Street Sandalwood ASL
Face Lather
Neil Miller-2.5"Latigo Leather
WTG, XTG & ATG (neck)

Have a great week!


Monday 24th March 2014
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Junior 1912 Baton Handle
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue OC 1912 SE Mixed
Soap: Body Shop Maca Root
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Quorum


Prep: Shower
Razor: Merkur Progress
Blade: Astra SP (3)
Brush: Omega boar
Soap: Proraso Sensitive
Aftershave: Gillette Gel with Aloe Vera

First time with this soap did not get it right first time gave up after first pass. Mixed up another batch much better.

Put the Progress on 3 seemed to get a better shave than on 2 still learning. ..

Have a good week
Monday xxiv March, 2014

Pre: Hot shower, Bulldog Face Wash
Prep: Tepid water splash
Brush: Grosvenor Badger & Bristle
Cream: Ingram's
Razor: Gillette Aristocrat 15
Blade: Gillette Super Silver #2

Result: Not sure if it's the blade or the razor, but not the closest of shaves this morning. Will perhaps use a tried and trusted new blade later in the week to narrow it down. Not a bad shave, but not as smooth as I generally manage to achieve.

All the best,


Semogue 2012 SE
#15 Aristocrat
DR Harris Windsor AS

Not much stubble to clear after a shave late on Sunday afternoon. Two passes just to tidy up.
Prep: Hot Water
Soap: Wet Shave Obsession Signature
Brush: Simpson Polo PL8 2 band in Super
Razor: Black Cobra
Blade : Feather Professional
Moustache Razor : The Mab Dwarf Razor
Post: Cold Water and Alum Block
AS: Floid Vigoroso

Prep: Nice hot shower and a bit of conditioner
Cream: TOBS sandalwood
Razor: The Bloody Scary & Totally Terrifying Sanguine Shavette
Brush: TOBS Pure Badger
Post: Very Cold Water, Nivea ASB and a Huge Sigh of Relief!!

First shave with a shavette. Not my best shave ever, somewhere between DFS and SAS, however I'm just happy to be in one piece and have survived! Never concentrated so much while shaving!!! It has however infected me with full blown straight desire!

Monday 03-24-14. MUSIC: John Martyn - One World.


Aleppo soap - Somerset Simpson Duke3 best badger - Feather all stainless - Astra green #3 - Pre JASÖN - Shaving soap Le Père Lucien - Alum block - Thayers Cucumber Toner - ASB Institut de Karité - ASL Pitralon Classic.
Trumper almond soap
Vulfix Bodger
Aristocrat #21, Polsilver Stainless
Green Tonic

Whilst this is my poshest razor, it's rapidly becoming my least preferred shaver. I find it head heavy and very adept at leaving weepers around the denser growth on the chin and moustache area and also the more sensitive areas of the neck. Will persevere to see if I can tune into it but if not it'll go back in its box until I get some softer blades in stock or be reserved for when I've got numerous days growth.