S.O.T.D. Saturday 22nd April to Friday 28th April 2017

Sunny Sunday eve shave.
Hot day mowing the orchards, lawns and field today, so a hot shower then a refreshing shave was in order.
Decided to go with my first try of Stirling's lime soap, coupled with my first use of my recently acquired Gillette slim Tech 1965 vintage (my birth year).
Well Stirling soap is truly awesome! So slick, so easy to get lather and leaves your skin feeling wow.
The Gillette I teamed with a feather blade and set to #5, very easy shave, good feedback.
Now Sat out on the patio with a glass of champers enjoying the view.
Good start to a crazy crazy week and it's not Monday yet!
Stirling lime soap,
Gillette slim tech razor,
Feather blade #1
Kent bk4 brush
Thayers rose petal splash.
Sunday 23Rd April shave

EJ 89 with a new Derby blade
Truefitt & Hill No10 cream
Mason & Pearson pure badger
Nivea post shave balm
Mont Blanc Legend aftershave(applied to back of neck to avoid stinging)
Three passes and no cuts. Still razor burn on the neck though, even after pass one in direction of growth.
Any suggestions for how to avoid this will be gratefully received.
My first time with the DE89. First pass didn't remove much, could be the Derby blade isn't the best match for this razor?

And that's a well broken in 1305. Split tips - nice. Cheers - I

The T&H No. 10 is a really good soap for its price. Super slick. Ridiculously easy to lather. Good choice. As to your problems - I don't know. Are you being properly diligent about not applying pressure with the razor? Try a different blade? Derby - I used them when I started out - it seemed you had to, everybody said so - but in retrospect for me they are horrible. Hope this helps - I
Razor: Timeless SB w/ TRH5 Dimpled
Blade: Personna Star (1) Made in Great Britain
Brush: El Druida Ebony Zebra w/Manchurian
Soap: Route 66 Cavendish
Aftershave: Floid Blue
A very generous PIF from Iain (@Digimonkey) of 2 tucks of Personna Star blades. Thank you Iain. First shave was very good. I will need a few shaves to get a better feel for this blade. If anyone has any information on this blade please post it. I can't find anything about it.
Sotd - 23/4/07

Razor - Cobra Classic
Blade - Feather Pro Super (2)
Brush - Chubby 2 - best
Soap - RazoRock Puros
Post - Allum and Witch Hazel
A/S - Extro - Tabacco
Balm - Vifrex gel.

Result - claret was spilled. Not in the obvious way but I took the head off a spot I hadn't seen through my four-day beard. A spot? Are you serious? I'm nearly 50. What's that about? That not withstanding - a superb shave. I'm still in deep smit after re-discovering my Cobra. What a great razor. If you haven't held one in your hand it's difficult to describe it adequately. Because it uses the Feather blades - or indeed Kai - the cutting edge is huge compared to a DE razor. It's half way to a straight. Possibly why it is such a good shaver - less passes. It cuts more on every stroke. Let's face it - there is nothing natural about dragging surgically sharp steel across your face. The less passes the better. Ergonomically - it's superb. The handle is perfect - which is just as well - the slightest slip, you'll take your head off. Second use of the Razorock Puros - excellent tallow soap and nice fragrance. Followed with the Extro Tabacco. I like my scent themed shaves. Does anyone have any suggestions for a tobacco scented Edt or parfum? @flashashton27 - might you know? I
That brush is really fab, is it wood or resin?

Date: 24 April 2017

Brush: - Semogue SOC 2 Band Badger in Cherry Wood 24/53mm
Lather: - Haslinger Schafmilch Sheep Milk & Lanolin (very similar to MWF)
Razor: - Colonial Razors "The General" SE with The Stray Whisker "Howitzer" Handle
Blade: - Kai Captain Titan Mild (Pink) #8
Post Shave: - T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent / WAHL Bay Rum Aftershave Splash