S.O.T.D. Saturday 22nd April to Friday 28th April 2017


If at first you don't succeed and all that!

To be cont.............

@Wayne Pritchard @Blackmass - Wayne - I thought initially that you were after his SV soap but no - the brush. Audacious mate. Good effort. Don't think he's going to go for it though. Dream - and indeed fantasy - PIF. As I say - good effort - if you don't ask you don't get. Ha ha. I
When the love is strong, one must persevere.

@Blackmass @Wayne Pritchard - I suspect this will be unrequited love in your case. As Shakespeare was so fond of mentioning. Can you not get them anymore? The knots looked wonderful to my eye but the handles were of wood - nothing wrong with wood - steady - I'd never heard of. Hard wood - steady again - I can't find the bookmark to who used to sell them in the UK. They always seemed to be sold out. I'm not in the market though - I did that a few years ago when I bought my Chubby 2 - I got a real good one. Worth every penny - I recommend a prestige brush purchase to you. Just get it right. Ultimately my most expensive brush is the Vie Long Anniversary Two band. It was a gift from my partner. A Limited Edition - officially sold through Gifts and Care - now no longer available. To be honest - I have Vie Long horse brushes and Semogue boars costing under 20 quid that are just as good - performance-wise - but not as luxurious - there is an added value lacking in the cheaper brushes. Check out the Epsilon brushes from the lovely Juan - at Gifts and Care - if you are in the market for something top end. I
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@Blackmass @Digimonkey

Romero, Romero, where for art thou Romero?

I'll get my coat.
Good night guys

They can be purchased from shave lounge here http://www.shavelounge.co.uk/brand/saponificio-varesino @Wayne Pritchard

Cheers @Digimonkey - I have the hard puck (grated into a tin) and the cream. For a bit of fun, I sometimes combine them for a "super lather".
Had often wondered about the aftershave - thanks for the recommendation.

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SOTD:25th April 2017.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: hot shower:/Cien~Men: Tropical blast Shower Gel & Shampoo / warm wet flannel to my face.


Boots: Freshwood Brushless Shave Cream .

Brush: Semogue 1470.

Face Lather.

Soap: Blue's Goat Milk.

Blade: Super-max Super Platinum.(0)+shim

Razor: Ideal Adjustable (setting 7).

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Peppermint Oil & Witch Hazel Mixture./Gillette A/S Balm.

Oud: 24 Hours Eau De Parfum.

After adding a post and and my thoughts on "Blue's Goat Milk Tallow Soap to the "Favourite inexpensive product" discussion yesterday,..i've used it as my choice of soap for todays shave...This soap has always provided me with a excellent slick rich lather, wonderful protection and a lovely mild post shave feeling to the face, with no irritation at all, for it's price & performance. it'll always be a favourite of mine..i have 3 unopened tins in my shaving den!
Resulting in a 3 pass + pick ups silky smooth shave with no errors to report.,adding a new homemade Peppermint oil & witch Hazel mixture..for my post shave..very fresh & zingy to the face!...Finishing the shave off with a 4 generous squirts of Oud 24 hours, to the pulse areas. another item i haven't gave much attention to for a while..My face is feeling fresh,silky smooth and stinking to high heaven!.Enjoy your day,ladies & gentlemen.
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Tuesday Morning;

Futur Clone (1)
Rapira blade (1)
Maseto 2-band
P&B Citra Royale
Alum/cold/witch hazel
Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet EDT

First time using the Futur clone. I think I best start off by stating that curiosity got the better of me so I shaved 'only' 24 hours after my last. As a result, I'm slightly raw in places and feeling it a little. It should settle down quite quickly. Lovely slickness and scent from the P&B - the lime really comes out during lathering. Big, beasty b*stard badger brush did a solid job yet again. Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet exaggerated my limey start to the day; what a beautiful scent.

Onto the razor, as I'm sure you're more intrigued about. Loaded her up with a new Rapira blade (thanks @nolisco!) and got to work. She's got a fair blade gap compared to the Wilkinson Sword (WS herein) I've used prior to it. That being said, as long as your lather is right, there's nothing to worry about. Yes, I know I had it on setting 1, but it still didn't give me much to worry about. Any rawness/redness is my own fault and, probably, as a result of not leaving it long enough between shaves. The razor didn't struggle with any of my stubble, and the heft/weight at 96.4g (compared with SR's and the WS DE, of which I'm more accustomed) was a change. I can't tell whether it was a welcome change yet, but I didn't face any issues either way. The head is quite large, again compared to the fine blade SR's I've used prior, and I found it a little difficult ensuring the angle was correct, or that I was making good contact with the skin, or in fact where the blade was in relation to my face. That being said, it's a DE and it's not difficult to keep track of where your 'trace' is during the shave, and hence where the blade is. The head is well seated and there's no slackness or rattles regarding any aspect of the razor. Setting 1 has given me a very respectable, quite close shave in 95% of places (well, my neck) and I don't see an immediate need to change this up to a higher setting, at least for the meantime. I will be having a day's rest and re-approaching this razor with a fresh blade - I know you can get multiple shaves out of it but life is short and I may as well have a fresh slate for learning. After a few uses I'll make a newbie's review of this nicely-finished shaver.

Happy Tuesday!