S.O.T.D. Saturday 20th August to Friday 26th August 2016

A nice touch with the geko, blends in nicely!
Saturday AM 2016-08-20

Helen Chen suribachi
Shavemac Plexi 2-Band Silvertip (24mm/50mm)
Ralph Lauren Safari shaving soap (tallow)
Feather AS-D2/Triad Titanium Blue Aristocrat
Gillette Platinum 'Swede' (3)
Ralph Lauren Safari aftershave (vintage)

The old Safari soap's lather tends to dissipate fairly quickly on my face, but otherwise it is excellent.
And this evening the theme was.......'Beanz Meanz Heinz'

Seygus brass head/DIY handle/Feather
Traditional Shaving Co Best
Murdock's Avalon
Clarins Moisturiser
ADP Club

Started off with the intention of the 'bullet handle' but decided to go with the 'Texas Longhorn' as I feel it has more control. To answer a question Bechet asked some weeks back, the handle is 115mm long. I like it, but I imagine many don't and it does need a dry wipe mid shave as it can get 'slippery when wet' (to quote a Bon Jovi album) due to the overly smooth surface. In general though easier to use than one may think.

Murdock's has been my 'fave rave' of the moment so stuck with it and it does work well with the ADP. The TSC best in favour of my usual Muhle synthetic and a happy bunny shave.

In fact a very BBS shave. BBS on this occasion referring to 'Baked Bean Smooth'