S.O.T.D Saturday 1st July - Friday 7th July

Stick with the Mixed Midget. It breaks in beautifully and generates great lather. It's my travel brush c/w Simpson's tube.
A very pleasant shave today using Taylors Sandalwood cream and a brand new Feather blade in a Jagger head with FKT Leopard handle. Not sure about the Wilkinson Sword brush, but it's the first time I have used so it may soften with age.

I still can't believe I am actually enjoying shaving after years of hating it. In no small part that is down to this forum. Thanks guys.
Evening all.
Seriously needed a shave after a three day abstention. It was razorocks dead sea creams turn in the rotation, I forgot that this one needs very little water, so a little adjustment was needed (huge bowl of frothy stuff)
I didn't want to take chances on any old blade tonight so opted for one of my favourite, polsilver si, good choice.
The razorock soap provided a great smelling cushioning easy shave, three passes with a good close shave, a bit of irritation and two small weepers, but otherwise great.
Gillette razor
Polsilver si blade #1
Omega boar brush
Razorock dead sea cream
Thayers rose petal toner
Superdrug as balm
Parfums de Marley Herod.

Ps, I did intend putting tabac lotion on, but at the last moment went for the Herod
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Very nice Steve, glad your enjoying it, I know your good lady is pleased, she keeps telling mine.
Great razor stand

Sorry mate - I meant to apologise to you for breaching your copyright earlier in the thread. Ha ha. cheers - I.

Finally figured out how to post photos on here instead of using photobucket. Thanks to @Blademonkey and @newbie for their guidance.

Prep: Hot shower and L'oreal Charcoal face wash.
Pre: King of shaves oil.
Razor: King Cobra
Razor blade: Proline (2)
Brush: Thater 4125/2 (3 Band)
Cream: Extro Bergamotto di Calabria
Post: Thayers witch hazel and Fine Platinum

An excellent shave with the KC currently on loan from @Acer89. A little irritation on my top lip and a two weepers but a very close and smooth shave.

The Extro cream is excellent stuff. Well worth a punt if you are thinking about buying some.

Have a good week chaps.

Blimey @vassili - you're brave wearing Herod in this weather. Great scent!
Stick with the Mixed Midget. It breaks in beautifully and generates great lather. It's my travel brush c/w Simpson's tube.

If you are a fan of a more diminutive brush - and horse hair - have a look at the Vie Long 13120 series - they do three versions. I enjoyed using mine as a travel brush until I got a Wee Scot and then - grudgingly - accepted a synth was probably the most practical solution. You can get them from the lovely Juan at G&C - I'm sure other people sell them too. They don't cost much. cheers - I.