S.O.T.D Saturday 1st July - Friday 7th July

Pre: Hot Shower
Soap Oleo Soaps Pucker
Razor: Gillette Red Tip
Blade: Rapira Super Stainless (3)
Brush: Semogue 830
Post: Thayer's Lemon Witch Hazel
A/S: Old Spice Swagger
Balm: Rock Face Shaving Butter

The scent and performance on this soap is just brilliant. Definitely another artisan to check out.

SOTD 2nd June

Prep....Shower, Olive oil soap
Razor....Gem natural angle aka G bar
Blade....Pal super carbon
Soap....SV Tundra Artica
Brush....BSSW Gonzo
Post....Thayers Rose petal / Jojoba oil
Scent....Molecule 01 / Bond number 9 New York

Well this was a first for me, a Pal Super Carbon blade kindly given to me by @Norfolkdick. I was looking forward to using it in my Gem natural angle So after lathering up with the superb SV Tundra Artica I got down to it, within a couple of strokes I knew I was in for a smooth shave. Not only is this blade smooth it is also super sharp, I could have stopped at the second pass which would have left me with a DFS but with soap left in the bowl and my need for perfect smoothness made me carry on. On the third pass I was as smooth as can be and it was the smoothest shave I have ever had from this razor.....these blades are fantastic. I realise that I will get a couple fewer shaves from one of these blades than I do from the Personna a Gem stainless blades and I know they are three times the price but if I was a rich man I would not hesitate to buy these because they are nothing short of fantastic.
Thank you Dick, that was the most enjoyable shave I've had with this razor.
Finnished off with a splash of Thayers and once dryed I applied a few drops of Jojoba oil to my skin as a general moisturiser.
A spray of the wonderful Molecule 01 on my chest and a dab or three of Bond number 9 New York here and there.

Wishing you all a good day........
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Cracking looking shave P...
My SOTD with a couple of new editions, used my Gillette New English razor loaded with a new Personna Super lab blue my first time trying the blade and wow what a sharp blade but very smooth I tied it all together with omega shaving cream again my first time using the cream and it is great smell isn't too bad quite a fresh smell excellent post shave feel, and I think you get a bit of bang for your buck, face latherd with a Vulfix 404 grovesnor brush and finished with an album block a very good shave the personna's may be my first 100 blade purchase, we will see how we go
Vegetal Soap - Lilly Of The Valley
Floid - Aceite De Afeitado
James Kent - Osaka Shaving Scuttle
La Toja - Shaving Soap
Dr. Dittmar - 23mm Best Badger
Face Lathering
Ever Ready - 1912
GEM - PTFE (1)
Allume Di Rocca Naturale
Tüff - Sensitive Unscented Aftershave
Claus Porto - Musgo Real No. 2 Eau De Cologne Oak Moss

Wonderful Sunday morning shave accompanied by the soundtrack of the movie "Midnight in Paris" by Woody Allen.

SOTD: 2nd July 2017.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Cussons Imperial Leather: Peppermint & Eucalyptus Shower Gel .


warm wet flannel to my face.

Wilkinsons Fruits~Coconut & Vanilla Body Butter.

Brush: Omega 'S' Series Synthetic.

Bowl Lather.

Cream & Soap : Erasmic Cream + Arko Shave Stick (disk).

Blade: Personna Lab Blue .(2)

Razor: Wilkinson Sword 'Classic' .

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Peppermint Oil & Witch Hazel Mixture/Blue Stratos~ A/S .

Gillette A/S Balm.

After the "Franken-Lather " cream/Soap combo experiment yesterday,i've carried on using the remainder of the Arko shave stick disk, mixing it together with a small amount of Erasmic cream,resulting in another excellent creamy slick protective lather,on equal par to yesterday's "Franken-Lather " creation.

It's been quite a while since i last shaved with my Wilkinson sword 'Classic' Razor, it paired up nicely with the Personna L.B.

A mild, but efficient 3 pass + pick ups silky smooth shave with no errors to report yet again.

Finishing my sunday shave off in style with a liberal splash of Blue Stratos.

Enjoy your sunday, ladies & gentlemen.

My sunday morning musical sermon.

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