S.O.T.D. Saturday 16th July to Friday 22nd July 2016

Classy aftershave... Very nice.
Hot shower
Bloom water from below
Saponifico Verasimo Dolomiti black (sample from Shavedash)
L'Occtaine Plisson brush
ATT S1 loaded with Gillette Rubie
Thayers tonic
Myrsol emulsion for afters (2 coats)

Another BBS shave 2.5 passes. I think everyone should try the SV, it looks really odd but the lather is great, copiously thick and smells wonderfully refreshing. The Gillette blade was smooth (better than the yellows/greens) with one cut which was totally my fault! Proraso gel to the rescue! Late for school run.....
How about a Pimms later ! just to top off your Day.
SOTD July 22, 2016

Pre: Proraso green pre-shave cream
Razor: Wester Bros. Di-Fi 34 5/8"
Brush: Omega Boar
Soap: Haslinger Schafmilch
Post: Witch Hazel / Jack Black Post shave Gel

This Wester Bros. is one of my restored antique store finds. It clean up nice. Blade is very sharp and smooth. This is a nice little shaver...a keeper for sure. Two passes and smooth as silk. Enjoy the weekend!
I would love to hear how you get on with the modern twins...not used them myself, just NOS.
Great pic, lovely razor and you can't go wrong with Haslinger, I hope your weekend is enjoyable too.
Yes I have the plastic proraso boar brush made by omega, silvered Finnish, light handle but otherwise very good indeed for the price. How do you feel about it?
Enjoy your holiday.

Many thanks...I may pick up the brush as a keepsake. As time goes on, I find myself gravitating towards soaps (MWF etc.) and boars do a nice job of face (and, for that matter, bowl) lathering. Keeping my eye out for Saponoficio (sp?)...there must be some kicking around here.

Keep well, everyone.

Update: €13 for this one. From what I believe Proraso make the Omega ones and the latter brand them (I stand to be corrected of course). Picked up some Proraso a/s lotion...hopefully innocuously sized so as not to cause an uproar at the airport.

My Proraso brush is stamped omega on the bottom so I believe that omega are the manufacturers and Proraso market it under their name.
I could be wrong, if I am I'm sure someone will correct me and if I'm wrong I will be happy to be corrected.
I think you have a limit of 50ml as far as the lotion is concerned at the airport but again I could be wrong!