S.O.T.D. Saturday 16th July to Friday 22nd July 2016

Thank you.

They are great razors for sure but hard to get. I would also suggest taking a look at Timeless Razors as well. Very similar with excellent workmanship and readily available.
Yes I'm looking at that stunning looking timeless oc with the lovely cap, it's on my must have list with the wolfman and a few others!
Thanks for the info though, nice one.
Hotish shower
Myrsol emulsion for starters
TOOBS Sandlewood cream (sample from Shavedash)
L'Occtaine Plisson brush
kai captain razor loaded with feather pro light for my cheeks
ATT S1 loaded with Ladas blade (2nd shave)
Thayers tonic
Myrsol emulsion for afters (2 coats)

Another BBS shave. The new TOOBS cream is wonderful, great thick lather and smells old school. The Ladas blade was very smooth with no nicks in sight.
Great pic, did you say you had the ATT H2 yet? If the R2 has more bite for you than the 41 you will be blown away by the H2, I thought it was closer to the 41 than the R2 but the blades you use will always make a difference. I used my H2 with a feather blade and wow it was one of the closest shaves I've ever had with a De razor.

Three Pass Shaving Routine..

Hot Water Prep & Massage with Argan Oil
ERN Crown & Sword Solingen 7/8th
Kent BK2 Pure Badger
Blue Brand Goats Milk Tallow Soap
Humphreys Witch Hazel

I had a Fantastic Shave Today with My Crown & Sword 7/8th..I Honed this Recently & What an Edge it Has..Very Soft on the Skin this SR & as Smooth as Icing on a Cake..Awesome Shaver..

I am Dolphin Smooth & Refreshed..

Pre: Taconic Shave Bay Rum Cream
Cream: Taconic Shave Bay Rum Cream
Razor: Parker 24C
Brush: Parker Badger Faux horn
Blade: Astra Green SP (1)
Post: Taconic Shave Aftershave Toning Mist
A/S: Old Spice (USA)
Brilliant shave. Wonderful Bay Rum cream that has a nice spicy scent with some lovely sweet notes at the base. I put the aftershave toning mist in the fridge for a few hours before applying it...brilliant!!

Wash - Meissner Tremonia Puristic
Prep - Noxzema / Hot towel
Pre shave - Proraso
Razor – iKon B1 Deluxe
Blade – Zorrik Super Platinum
Brush - 'The Duke' (Duke 3 Best)
Soap – OSP Bay Rum
Post - Witch Hazel

WOW....I really didn't expect much from the Zorrik, but it performed even better in the iKon.. just goes to show, eh?