S.O.T.D. Saturday 15th October to Friday 21st October 2016

Star Noir,
Crown king synthetic,
Gold dollar 208,
EJ DE89 on pickups with a Rapira blade,
Next ice white EDT,

Well the first mistake was transferring the star noir to a bowl, using my finger, making a huge amount of foam, the crown king is a lovely soft brush, I don't like the lather too thick when using a cut throat, because I am slow to use it, and the soap dries out to quick, not the fault of the soap, more a fault of my tardiness, anyhow I managed a half decent shave, only managing to cut myself doing the pick ups with the DE89, I know how the hell do you manage to escape the cut throat, then cut yourself on such a mild razor you ask, over confidence is the answer, I have much to learn still, especially the handling of the razor around the chin area, and using it left handed, the gold dollar seems to get sharper everytime I use it, and actually seems more forgiving than the feather artist with the pro guard blade, though that may be me getting more used to it.
That's one nice razor. They seem to be like hen's teeth out there. Still, I live in hope...
Pre: Nugen oil
Cream: Ingrams
Razor: Gillette Tech
Blade: Voskhod (2)
Post: Witch Hazel & Lavender (home made), 100% Argan oil
AS: Pinaud Clubman

Last shave of the week. Turned out good after a bit of buffering around the chin. Tech and Voskhod are a good combo. Nugen oil gives a good bracing feeling when you've scraped the lather off.

Friday! Might get a couple of Guinness and watch next ep of WestWorld after the gym.

Have a good one!
That's one nice razor. They seem to be like hen's teeth out there. Still, I live in hope...
Greetings Scott

Thank you very much, I have to say that it is certainly not in my top ten best shaving razors, it is super mild for an old razor and because of the bar rather angle sensitive. It looks great but just about all of the more modern GEM's and Ever Ready's will out shave it. I have tried it with an original Damaskeene blade and it's still very mild, I find this very unusual for a razor of this age nearly all of these centenarian razors are pretty fierce.

Thanks for that, Dick.

