S.O.T.D. Saturday 15th October to Friday 21st October 2016

SOTD: 15th October 2016.

Shaving recipe for today.

Pre: warm shower:/Cien (Classic) Shower Gel & Shampoo / warm wet flannel to my face.

Razor:Aluminium Gillette Tech .

Blade:Gillette Nacet . (new)

Brush: Wilkinson sword.

Cream: Body Shop Maca Root+ 4 drops of Glycerin in the soap bowl.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.

Post:Lavender oil & Witch Hazel mixture/Gillette Sensitive Balm.

A/S : Old Spice.

A new shaving set up to start the weekend..today i tried out the Gillette Nacet blades for the first time and i must say i can understand why they are becoming members on TSR favourite blades...
as patw quoted to me yesterday They're very smooth, sharp and long lasting, superb..imho i put them equal to my favourite blades which are Voskhods, Gillette 7o'clock Sharpedge,& Polsilver Super Iridium.. a sublime 3 pass + pick ups silky smooth shave with no errors to report..the nacet combo with the Gillette Tech was superb..the old spice finished the shave excellently..i'm ready for the weekend.Enjoy your day, gentlemen.
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Glad you like them!
Hi Folks

Today's agenda
Proraso Menthol and Eucalyptus pre-shave
OSP Fougère
Semogue 1520
Face lather
Gillette Aristocrat 1946-47
Gillette Nacet #1
Thayer's Rose Petal and Aloe Vera witch hazel
Fine Platinum a/s

First outing for a newly obtained Gillette Aristocrat off the bay (October Acquisitions q.v.). As expected, a mild razor. Imagine the grip and handle of a Fat Handle Tech with TTO and the head of a Superspeed or a Fat Boy. So you get added weight, which is good.

Paired with a Nacet, it gave a great shave; smooth and sharp. Thayer's and Fine to finish off. Lovely.
Sat 15th Oct

Omega 11137 boar
Lea Classic soap
Schick E2
Schick NOS Plat.Swede [3 ]
Lea Classic A/S Lotion

After a mixed bag of DE shaves, was nice to get back to an Injector as guaranteed a trouble free shave.
Today chose the E2 which is fairly new to me. It really is a smooth Razor, but also very effective.
It is so easy to use, that I find that I can shave Against the Grain even in the lower neck regions.
I actually prefer this to the much vaunted Schick Adjustable , even if the latter is equipped with Twin Blades. Shave Rating A+


Used the vie-long stick abroad and loved it but with my hard water at home no where near as good.

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Greetings Nick

I find exactly the same with the Lea Sticks when I use them in the Canaries in de-salinated water which is super soft, there is no doubt about it that soft water makes the shave a whole lot nicer. I am 99% sure by the way that the Vie Long sticks are re-branded Lea.


Thanks for the info very interesting. The sticks are so convenient when going away so well worth having them in the collection

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Sounds like a fine shave you had there, fine soap, a fine blade and a fine razor and Fine platinum a/s!