S.O.T.D Saturday 14th October - Friday 20th October 2017

I have tried the Schick Proline Type B on plate 3, and have to work extra hard to get a closish
all round Shave. Am afraid it is too mild for my beard,as I get super quality Shaves with Vintage Injectors, such as the PAL injector-Matic.
Greetings All,

Tuesday shave.

Two growth and warm shave

Preparation – face washed with Clique Liquid facial soap (mild)

Pre: None
Soap: RazoRock XXX
Razor: Rockwell 6C (3P)
Blade: Shark SS (4th)
Brush: Razorock Plissoft 24mm (face lather)

Post Shave: Hot then cold water rinse, a shower and to conclude with Nivea Sensitive Cooling.

Another super shave this morning with my Shark SS gliding through my whiskers and after 3 effortless passes, I am slicker than Pamela Anderson's red swimsuit


SOTD: 17th October 2017.

Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/ Cien~ Green Kick Shower Gel & Shampoo.


warm wet flannel to my face.

Wilkinsons Fruits ~ Coconut & Vanilla Body Butter.

Brush: Chinese Horsehair .

Bowl Lather.

Cream : Derby Lemon .

Blade: Personna Lab Blue . (1)

Razor: Fatip Grande.

Warm wet flannel/ cold wet flannel to rinse my face.


Alum Block./Lemon+Peppermint Oil & Witch Hazel Mixture. /Selin ~ Lemon Cologne.

Bull Dog ~ Original Aftershave Balm.


A phonomenal shave to start the day.

The Fatip Grande/Personna Lab Blue duo is a very smooth efficient duo.

The turkish Derby Lemon cream & Selin Cologne made the shave very pleasurable.

A wonderful 3 pass + pick ups shave with no errors to report.

My face is feeling super smooth & smelling zesty devine.

Enjoy your day, ladies & gentlemen.

Semogue 2000
Schick Krona
Schick Platinum Plus (6)
La Toja Shaving Cream
Thayers Rose, La Toja Balm and Aftershave & Mr Perfume Roja Amber Oudh

Love some La Toja, one of my favourite all round shaving products. Could happily be a daily user of La Toja. I did think I was pushing this blade a little too far but to my surprise it gave me a clean, trouble free shave, maybe not quite smooth as butter in use but not tuggy or bad feeling. I will continue using it until it feels like I'm plucking a harp.

My Mr Perfume order arrived today so couldn't resist a dab of it. Certainly isn't a weak scent, at first it seemed a little too feminine but it is growing on me.
Tues 17th Oct.
RazoRock Plissoft 24mm
Cyril Salter Solid Soap
ATT SE1 / Windrose S/S Handle
Schick Proline [ 5 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Pitralon Polar A/S Lotion

Took out today what I think is my favourite modern AC/SE, the ATT SE1 which I love the feel of, and its ability to be used with a featherlight touch to get rid of any stubborn areas of growth.

The CS soap is proving to be a winner for me , as it certainly helped make todays Shave very smooth and comfortable. Nice to be rewarded with a great close all round -shave, even going ATG round the neck was not a problem.