S.O.T.D. Saturday 14th February to Friday 20th February 2015

Sapone : Lebelle Soaps TvbShaving Vetiver 1
Pennello : Nero Ardesia 26mm Sivertip
Rasoio : Hart Steel 6/8
Strop : Paciccella in Cordovan
AS : Fine Fresh Vetiver


Tuesday 17th February 2014
Prep: Shower
Razor: PAL Adjustable Injector
Blade: Personna Stainless Coated
Brush: Semogue 2000 Boar
Soap: Speick Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: FCUK Friction

That is the final shave with my injector razors, I have no more and I deliberately saved, what for me, is my least loved razor until last. Three weepers and this razor is not even fierce, just 'tricky' and difficult IMHO.

Tomorrow something different



Afternoon, everybody.

Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89
Blade: Super Max SS (4)
Brush: Kabuki Bamboo
Shave soap: Wickham's Sheridan
Aftershave: Ricardo L'Homme, Musk
Tuesday 17 February 2015

Tuesday 17 February 2015

George Wostenholm & Sons Pipe Razor, 5/8 Half Hollow, Square Point

As a collector and historian of pogonotomy, I love shaving with old straight razors and I like to revive important pages of history, adding art to the pleasure of shaving. Wostenholm certainly is one of the most important straight razor makers of the past, with a glorious history to tell, its razors are still capable of giving a superb shave no matter of a long time has padded by. Just perfect and agile, this bow razor is still doing an excellent job.​

  • Pre-Shave: Myrsol Emulsión
  • Soap: DR K Peppermint Shaving Soap
  • Brush: Plisson Badger
  • Bowl: Old Barber Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: George Wostenholm & Sons Pipe Razor, 5/8 Half Hollow, Square Point
  • Post-Shave: Argan Oil
  • After Shave: Myrsol Agua de Limón

First time I've used Aqua Balsamica for a couple of months, it now smells a bit chemically. Hopefully that's just because of the cold I now have, or maybe it just doesn't mix well with Warm Spice.
ATTack of the Slants - Day 1
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: Noxzema cleanser cream
Soap: Stirling - Bay Rum
Bowl: Fine Accoutrements
Brush: MÜHLE Kosmo silvertip synthetic
Razor: ATT S2 Kronos
Blade: Rapira Swedish SS (1)
After: SeaDrift Soaps Bay Rum AS, Sandalwood Skin Food

Day 1 of comparing my ATT S2 open-comb slant against my S1 closed-comb. Today with the S2 as I think I like this better so went for the first shave of the blade because that might not be so smooth and so balance my bias a little bit.

Lather was just perfect, if anything maybe too protective. I think this Swedish Rapira blade is too sharp for this razor as it felt abrasive which killed some of the enjoyment. I find this razor is not a one-pass-wonder but gradually mows down a degree of the a stubble in each of my three passes. Maybe this is what leads to such a smooth and irritation free result. With hindsight maybe this wasn't such a good choice of blade for my comparison test.
Even though I didn't fully enjoy the shave the result was a great feeling BBS, so can't grumble.

First use of the SeaDrift Bay Rum AS - meh, it's a bit weak, like drinking diluted cordial. Barbershop's Bay Rum was way better.

Back tomorrow with the S1. See ya.

TOBS shaving cream
Bowl lathered
ATT R2 Kronos
Polsilver SI (1)
Cold splash
Old Spice classic a/s

2 pass with touch up, 1st shave with the ATT, and I have to admit I am impressed!.Super smooth BBS all over,but as per usual, I overdid it,and although only mild feeling from the Alum, the Old Spice stung like hell!. Think I need more practice with this ATT setup, and I will go with an Astra SP and MWF next time!.

That's a really lovely old razor Brian, do you have one of those wonderful old ornate silver plated cases that many of them came in?

SOTD - "FAT" Tuesday! Happy Mardi Gras.
Pre: Village Barber oil
Soap: Mitchell's Wool FAT
Brush: M&F L7, 23mm "Blonde" 2-band
Razor: Ikon DLC OC Deluxe w/OSS handle
Blade: Vintage Turkish Perma-Sharp Supreme (1)
Post: Thayer's Original witch hazel, followed by Jovan Musk
The FAT! Not much else to say really...awesome lather.
I was gifted this blade and it is the only one I have. Was a bit worried about the discoloration on the blade paper, but after an hour bath in Barbicide it was ready to rock-n-roll.
Sharp and smooth...Rico Suave!

Thank you Dick yes I have a few of the ornate cases, this particular razor came in the more rare leather covered wood case. I have a liking for these old ABC razors the shave's really good if a very shallow angle's used.