S.O.T.D. Saturday 14th February to Friday 20th February 2015

Since I normally don't shave on the weekends today was my last day of my first "1 razor 1 week" project where I intend to use all my razors for one week each this year - to, hopefully finally get down to 20 or so that will be sold off.

Razor: Wilkinson Sword "Sticky"
Blade: Polsiver SI
Brush: SOC Boar
Soap: Cella
A/S: The Veg

Next up to bat... "The mystery roller guard razor from Argentina"

Do I detect a burgeoning aftershave collection Paul? That's the second Myrsol I've seen so far ...


In my opinion the Type F is the most solid and most aggressive of all the injector types Schick made. It can find the weakness in a blade quickly but when paired with a great blade it yields some of the very best and enjoyable shaves I have ever had.