S.O.T.D. Saturday 13th - Friday 19th July incl.

Evening, gents.


Prep: Claus Porto's Lime-oil face soap
Razor: EJ DE89 with iKon Bulldog handle
Blade: Personna lab (1)
Brush: Wilkinson Sword
Shave soap: Monsavon
A/S: Club Med, My Ocean
Cologne: Club Med, My Ocean

Excellent shave. I bought the Wilkinson Sword brush on a whim in Morrisons and it did a better job than I expected. It won't ever be my go-to brush, but I'll definitely use it from time to time. The Personna gave a terrific first shave: smooth and very close - hope it lasts the course.
Razor: Max Sprecher
Brush: Neep
Soap: La toja stick
ASB: Tabac

Prep face wash L'Occitane vetyver soap
Razor Filarmonica Especial full hollow 8/8
Strop Kanayama cordovan #8000
Brush Rooney Heritage stubby 2
L'Occitane Cade
Alum & Thayers toner
Kiehl's aftershave balm
Guerlain Vetiver Edt.

The shave was perfect, even at this time of the morning the heat and humidity is hard to escape from, I'm a true northern European I couldn't live in a hot climate, a week of really hot weather in the UK and I'm praying for cooler weather.


I'm the same Jamie yesterday was very humid and uncomfortable. I'm definitely doing a rain dance :icon_rolleyes: cool weather needed.
Regards Brian
Prep: Hot shower
Brush: Le Tuft w a 22 mm Simpson silveertip knot
Razor: Veritable Delolme
Soap: Als Bomb, Custom with clay
AS: Lavanda
Edt: Tuxedo by Pro Blighty
Strops. Neil Miller
Result: Uberclean

Fantastic blade and very nice cream (love the scent of this one).
Sunday 14th

O-type & Schick vintage (#6)
No. 48
SMN (lanolin)

It's been a while, so let me put out a few words.

The O-type is very well balanced and pretty hefty in weight overall. Absolutely no comparison with all the latest (now vintage) L & M types. In addition, its non-slippery design with those rubber elements on top and bottom of the handle make it a wonderful performer. I have to admit that this handle and overall razor design, from an ergonomic and 'how it feels in hand' point of view is one of the best, if not the best, razor I have ever used.

Only caveat is the mildness of the shave. Exactly same as that of the L-type, these razors tend to be more on the 'safe' side rather than exhibiting the mild aggressiveness the E and G-types give out.

The sticker in the handle of the Omega has been there for more than a year; Mark will still shoot me if I ever dare step foot on the Isle but I can tell you it didn't end up there for cosmetic reasons only. I use the 48 the 98 mostly now. Something around 80 brushes on the side, including 20+ custom or 2-band Simpsons, they all get very little time. Basic reason for that is the size - I've found I tend to prefer large, very large brushes.

The SMN is now my daily soap. So silly to sell the second tub I had, few years back. How can one know the industry is about to commit suicide by switching to veggie products? Still have more than 190 creams and soaps in the den, many of them vintage, but this will certainly be missed when done.

The AV is another permanent choice lately. Finally got to halt this rotation madness. Once something works well, and the weather goes along with it easily, no reason to change.

I've now almost permanently switched to injectors. DEs shave a tad closer, but it is so much easier with a Schick - especially the angle. Paul's Personnas don't do it that well, so good vintage ones from the bay are a better fit. The straights got to know expat-land but still don't get much shave time. I reckon pretty soon they'll be asking for an adoption...

Have a great Sunday.
Saturday evening

Gillette face wash
Proraso pre
Body Shop Macca Root cream
Kent bk2 brush
Gillette slim TTO
MEM Super Silver blade(1)
Alum and witch hazel gel
Old spice safer shave

Nive finish, first time with this very cheap blade and whilst not he sharpest certainly a good shave for the money (£6.50 for 100!)

Have a great day
Gillette Aristocrat Junior
Gillette Super Thin (2)
Muhle Silvertip Fibre
Barbon shaving cream
Lucky Tiger Face Tonic
Floris JF edt

These Thai Super Thins are decent blades - probably better than the Vietnamese for me. I'm glad I've a few more of these in my travel kit.
Red Personna
EJ Badger
Nannys Lime
Factor 15 suncream lol
Addiction Fever

Head and face shave so I thought I would go straight in and get the suncream on as a
post shave ready for an afternoon in the garden watching cricket.