S.O.T.D. Saturday 11th March to Friday 17th March 2017

Omega 21762
Razor: Hone Type 15 w/ Personna Super 'Med Prep' (1)
Soap: Proraso Green
Post: Proraso Green

A later in the day post wall crack filling shave. What a lovely shave too, no fuss or hassle. First use of the Hone in what seems like forever, 9 days in fact! I dared an ATG on the tache, no issues which was lovely. A full schedule of painting the house tomorrow so may commit a small sin and have a day off from shaving.
The Extro is lovely isn't it!
Aftershave Acquisition Disorder triggered.
Do you want a sample before you buy it? I'm offering samples of that exact A/s and 3 of the 5 have been claimed!
Monday Evening;

Castor oil/Grapeseed oil mix (70:30).
Razorock Plissoft 24mm.
Thiers Arminius - Pour Barbe Dure.
Fine Santal Absolut soap.
Floid Mentolado Vigoroso.

A decent Monday evening shave. Have had a lot on recently and tonight was a good exercise in breathing deeply, calming myself down and enjoying taking things slow. The Fine soap was very thick, very creamy, very slippery. I think I could have dialled in a bit more water, had I bowl-lathered, but instead I opted to face-lather and it worked well enough for me. Fairly short preparation, unfortunately, but you can't have it all! The Thiers mowed down all in its path and I had a nice tidy-up of the neck and cheeks. I do really rather like this razor, it's chunky and smooth and relatively quiet, making for a very effortless, feeling-focussed shave. The Floid MV sample I have is, unfortunately, running out relatively fast but I'll probably be buying some for myself when next pay day comes! It leaves a lovely, fresh scent and lovely, fresh feeling. It's one of those A/s that gets a lot of good press and I can see why. I'd recommend it to anyone. Happy Monday evening, all.

Take it breezy. Ben over-and-out.

P.s. the 'thick and easy' does refer to me, not the soap. Also, ignore my fingerprints on my beauteous razor, please. I can assure you they're no longer there.