S.O.T.D. Saturday 10th January to Friday 16th January 2015

Nanny's French Lavender
Rapira Swedish Super Steel
Fat Tech (gold, Canadian)
Vulfix 404
Arko Sensitive (lavender) balm

I love the French Lavender smell and its performance! Arko Sensitive complements it nicely.
Hot water face splash
Exfoliating face wash with Dr. Squatch Pine Tar Soap
Wickham Soap Co. Imperial Tonic Super Smooth
Omega #622
Feather AS-D2
Personna Platinum Chrome
Cold water face splash
Dove Men+Care Hydrate+ Post Shave Balm
Truefitt & Hill Grafton cologne

This is the first time that I've used Wickhams - damn and blast all you enablers - but what a great product it is.

Prep: Hot rinse & Prep cream
Razor: Mongoose polished
Blade: Feather Pro
Brush: Thater super badger
Cream: TOBS Jerwyn Street
AS: Lucky Tiger
Post: Village Barber balm

A brand new blade so, even with the lightest touch and only two passes, I have a bit of irritation and a weeper around my mouth.

Jeebus these things are fierce! However, as I'll get 20+ shaves out of it it's worth the initial pain.
Thur 15th January

Neutrogena Glyc- pre wash
Vulfix 404 mixed
Bea Menthol Cream
Gem MMCP on loan from Dick
Gem Coated [2]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
Woods of Windsor A/S balm
La Toja A/S Lotion

Razor Loan- damn ! Have to buy one.
2nd shave- really good, allows one to get a very close shave, no nicks,irritation. Tomorrow using Streamline to compare.

Thursday 15th January 2015
Prep: Shower
Razor: GEM Heavy Flat Top
Blade: GEM Blue Star Carbon
Brush: Semogue 1800 Boar
Soap: Palmolive Stick Grated
Aftershave: Astral Cream (light)
EDT: Cerruti 1881



Bulldog Face Wash
Erasmic Lather Shave Cream
Vie-Long 13065 Amphora Horse
Shave Craft #102 Slant & SuperMax Blue Diamond (3)
Hot Rinse, Cold Rinse & Alum Wash
Quorum Aftershave & EDT

Face Lathered
Two Pass - WTG & XTG

Hmmm ... a bit light, that Shave Craft.
Prep: Hot shower
Pre: S.M.Novella pre-shave
Soap: Barrister & Mann Nocturne
Bowl: Woodhead Pedestal
Brush: MÜHLE Kosmo silvertip synthetic
Razor: ER 1924 SE + templ8 100mm handle
Blade: Gem (7)
After: Aqua Velva Classic AS, Limes Skin Food.

A bit of thought really paid off today.
1st idea - This B&M soap irritates my skin slightly and makes it go red - solution: Use warm instead of hot water.
2nd idea - This 1924 (shovel head) is aggressive. solution: use a blade that's already been used 6 times to take the edge off it and pair the razor with a long handle weighted at the end to take off the head-weight.
3rd idea - The B&M soap provides lots of skin conditioning so just use a light ASB. Limes Skin food did the trick and kept the fruit (apple-lime) theme.

Great shave and really enjoyed myself even though the razor looks a bit like a villain from a Bond film.

Have a good one, folks.

Thursday January 15, 2015

Thursday January 15, 2015

Wade & Butcher Celebrated Rattler, 7/8 Faux Frameback Half Hollow, Barber's Notch

Sometimes I like to shave with very old straight razors and, in particular, with those capable of showing their age. Despite of time and age, they always prove to be excellent straight razors, capable of giving an excellent shave. Just like this Wade & Butcher Celebrated Rattler - still having its original scales - a razor which passed through all of the past century and survived still today. With my joy and proud, of course.​

  • Pre-Shave: Myrsol Emulsión
  • Soap: Proraso White Tub Shaving Soap
  • Brush: Omega Bristle Brush 48 Gold
  • Bowl: Old Barber Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Wade & Butcher Celebrated Rattler, 7/8 Faux Frameback Half Hollow, Barber's Notch
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extra Virgin Oil
  • After Shave: P.160 Professional Ambre Dorée Aftershave
Cold water splash
Lea Stick (grated)
TGN 24mm Finest in Commodore X3 handle
ATT M2 Kronos
Gillette 7 O'Clock Black (1)
Myrsol Emulsion
Borsari Acqua Classica EDC

7 O'Clock Black might well be my favourite blade! Sharp, smooth and shaves close without irritation.