S.O.T.D. Saturday 10th December to Friday 16th December 2016

December 16, 2016
ATT Calypso R1
Zenith B02 Boar
Nuavia Blu
Witch Hazel

A wonderful shave this morning to end the week. The big Zenith Boar whipped up the Nuavia Blu quickly and easily. The softness of the brush coupled with it's good backbone makes face lathering a pleasure. Three passes with minimal touch ups ended with a near BBS. I am finding the ATT Calypso R1 to be an efficient and comfortable razor to use. I hope everyone has a great Friday.
Fri 16th Dec

Omega s10065
De Vergulde Hand
Gem MM Clog Pruf
Gem S/S [ 6 ]
Alum Rub/Rinse off
La Toja A/S lotion

A fellow Wet Shaver in my early days advised me to use a light touch , take care and do not rush.
As one becomes familiar with individual razors it is very easy to become a bit lax, and wonder why the Shave is a bit off. Have recently been careful in following this advice.

I have had a succession of good shaves with Vintage SE/Injectors, with no mishaps. Today used the Clog Pruf and a 6th use blade [optimum use for me ], and had a smooth and comfortable shave with a seriously good all round close finish.

Friday 16th

Soap - P & B Star Noir
Brush - Semogue 1470 boar
Face lather
Razor - Schick E3 SE
Blade - Personna Injector #2
Post - Thayer's and Floïd MV

Smashing shave today. The E3 really is a great razor. It gets the reputation of being more 'aggressive' than other Schicks but, for me, I don't notice any difference between it and my G8. They both give outstanding shaves with either the Chinese Schicks or the Personna injectors.

Yuletide approaches, Folks. Hope you and yours are well.
