S.O.T.D Sat. 19th Oct. to Frid. 25th Oct. 2013

'Shea Pleasure' is what is written on the tub. It's not the mint one. Fitjar is hard to come by down here in the UK - expensive to import. I was lucky to have a pot sent over to me by a fellow member here.

I liked it, although recall a slightly unpleasant burn for my skin. I love menthol, which wipes all that out - I mean, Nivea gives me the same unpleasant burn. My skin is very sensitive to "product" - menthol lets me enjoy product by masking all such burn with its own burn.

As a cream, it's very nice. Dense lather that holds well throughout, lubricious and moisturising. It'll be a good one for this time of year when the weather changes, colder outside and heating on inside drying out our skin.

I think I'll try adding a drop of menthol to my next shave with it - I like the cream, but seem to need menthol not be feel itchy with it. That's me ... not the fault of the cream.

Shea Pleasure, of course. I did not catch that. :blush:
The cream does contain SLS's, which might account for the burn. Or at least I think it does.
Good idea with the menthol. I get the occasional burn from various products, especially Sandalwood. Perhaps I will try with some of that menthol next time I am in the mood for Sandalwood