Royal Mail Rip Off Con Trick

antdad said:
Spiking the books to get RM ripe for privatisation.

On that note, RM are getting worse. There was a Watchdog recently about TNT doing delivery in London, on behalf of RM.

The trouble with TNT delivering was that they only felt it reasonable to deliver on alternate days, and then only if it fitted within working hours.

RM was brilliant. We'd be doing far more online trade, keeping companies in business if people felt safer buying online and being able to trust package delivery.

I had a RM postman drop a Amazon parcel over the 6' side gate about a year ago. I don't know how he "knew" that it wasn't breakable. Luckily it was a concrete chisel but I don't know how he knew that unless he'd opened it already or if he had ESP. Both possible, however unlikely. Chances are he just didn't give a monkeys.

I had this cleverly done to me several times by Royal Mail... Once it was a boxed set of DVDs. At the time that cost me over £200 but Amazon were superb when I explained what happened. I found the parcel with shrubbery over it and of course it was soaking wet. Drenched to be exact...

I'd like to see more investment in "drop off" parcels where postage can be billed online and customers print off their own postage labels. As far as I am aware this does exist for RM, but not advertised at all and the service relies (used to rely?) on RM's own software which is pathetic.
Re: RE: Royal Mail Rip Off Con Trick

The service is poorly advertised by RM and last time I looked, you had to top up first.

PayPal offer the service here.
One of my local post offices is a bit lazy when it comes to learning how to do their job. Not sure if it's a common thing, but they weren't aware that although anything wider than 8cm now goes as a medium parcel (with a hefty premium) if the total dimensions are smaller than a 16x16cm cube it is still charged as a small packet.

I still think Royal Mail are the best of the bunch for reliabilty and value and we use them exclusively. There was a shocking documentary about UKMail that showed the warehouse staff slinging Dell computers and boxes of £100 wine around as if for sport.

I regularly now get deliveries from MyHermes. Even from companies that you would think would want to provide a premium service such as Debenhams.

My local delivery lady turns up in a T reg Toyota Corolla that's I've seen left parked up for an hour at a time packed to the rafters with parcels clearly visible through the car windows. I can guarantee the car has nothing but standard insurance because I've seen what MyHermes pay their posties.

My last delivery was behind the wheelie bin for three days until I found the 'sorry we missed you' slip whilst reading the paper that must have been stuck in the letterbox when she posted it.
I had this experience yesterday. I ordered a shirt online it was sent to me second class to be signed for clear price on "stamp sticker" £2.60. It did not fit wife and I repack the short exactly as it was sent in the same packet. Cost to post £3.70. Now this has to be wrong. Any suggestions? To be clear the shirt was folded as it arrived put back into the same packet and taken to the post office, the question is where has the extra £1.10 come from. The post office must think we are all mugs.
i am happy with royal mail

my postman lives down the road so i always get my mail,
my local pakistani cornershop operates a sub office and he allows me to drop off a bag of parcels, he uses his common sense what should go 1st or 2nd (in line with my wishes) then when im next passing i pay him.

if you pack your stuff good its easy to get razors as large packets 90p etc
ive never had a parcel ive sent go astray (apart one i sent to mertje in holland)

that said ive just bought another OS Mug from the bay which seems to have got lost on route from NI but thats probably stuck in the military mail somewehere.

when im pricing mail for ebay, i always stick a couple of pence on to take into account sellotape, time, petrol etc, so its not just a case of charging 90p for a razor
One element that no-one has mentioned thus far on this thread is that the bulk posting services provided by RM have to cross subsidise the loss making services they are legally obliged to supply - ie universal delivery. No matter what I still maintain that some of the services RM provide are outstanding. The very fact they will deliver, say, a letter from Northern Ireland to the Shetland Isles for the same price as it costs to send one within, say London, is why the prices are rising. I know they are far from perfect, but when all said and done I think they do a reasonable job in the circumstances.


Unless it was maybe sent franked. It could not have been sent signed for for £2.60.

£3.70 is the cheapest price for a signed for small packet.

£2.60 is the cheapest price for a small packet.
Re: RE: Royal Mail Rip Off Con Trick

It all depends on your deal with Royal Mail. As an example we pay 12p per Standard 1st Class Letter. We do our own Mail Sorting before they hit Royal Mail though which does reduce the cost.

Different prices for different customers.
I assure you it was sent for £2.60 and I had to sign for it. I specifically looked at the price on the gold coloured stamp so not sent franked.
So what does anyone think of that? The posting return slip says 0.307kg Second recorded parcel £3.70.
I will have a look for the £2.60 stamp but it might have gone out, but I was not mistaken.
When I was in business I used APC very good prices and next day but to get the price I had to send x number of parcels per month, which was fine. The driver used to come on to the estate a 4 o/c like clock work. Ready by 4 gone by 5 past 4.

I've used Parcel2go a few times and they have let me down on aprox 80% of what I sent. Either not collecting on said day or not delivering on said day. No refunds or compensation offered. But a couple of days after the last time I had a customer service satisfaction e-mail with an offer of £2.00 off my next purchase, very generous I thought. NOT.

So like others have mentioned RM will be sold off and who knows what will happen then. I don't sell much these days as E-Bay & Pay Pal fees are a joke for small items then P & P and as someone mentioned it's not just a stamp price there is the packing (If you do it right) Time and fuel to get to the PO and on it goes. Having said all that I have 2 small items to go on E-Bay and what I intend to do is add £5.00 P & P and in the advert description put that I will refund the difference in with the parcel if the P & P is cheaper. Can't be fairer than that can I?
Let the howling begin!

Royal Mail gets itself privatised and the service improves/gets even worse and postage costs go up/stay the same?

The Union is howling already, still. One thing you can say about a Trades Union - they don't like change! All the members may have to work!

Surely not?!?!?! How on earth are their delivery drivers going to have their 28 coffee breaks in a day? They may even be forced to get mail delivered!!! :dodgy:


Even I think this is a $%^*ing terrible idea, and I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Conservative.
Based on my vast experience of working with RM over a couple or three Xmases, I can say without fear of telling a lie that RM is stuffed to the gunwales with idle and incompetent management and staff and nothing short of privatisation will save it. I have to say also that keeping the same management and staff - as with the BR privatisation - will achieve nothing except prolong the chaos.

I think it is somewhat unfair that BR and RM were chosen when the entire Civil Service needs a similar shake up if ever it is to stop wasting our Tax Pounds - but that's life and thhe CCivil Service will protect itself endlessly - the primary function of a bureaucracy.

Long live efficiency!!! But can privatisation achieve it where State Ownership could not?

Sheesh! the stories I could tell!!