Romera brushes

County Down, Northern Ireland
Does anyone know anything about Romera brushes? I ordered an in stock brush at the end of July and haven't heard anything and no response to email. I know august is holiday time in Spain, so have been pretty patient (it's not a custom order just an in stock brush) but was wondering if anyone knows if there has been a problem with them?
I ordered an "in stock " brush a while ago and it took a while to arrive. I think he generally replied to emails but again, that could take a little while.

So in short...I'm sure its fine...he just takes his sweet time!

I have one of his Manchurian knots and its great!
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Yes, I've had a couple of messages from Gustavo. He is going to send my brush this week.
Apparently his father has been in and out of hospital for a while now which has meant he was unable to do anything brush related.
Carl, I hope you get yours soon too.
I have two brushes from Gustavo and they are very nice. However, it seems like he has been making more excuses than brushes in the last couple years. I wouldn't recommend buying anything that isn't already in stock.
I agree with blzrfn about any purchase from Gustavo. He had two sales of knots only and those took a long time to arrive. The knots he sold as Manchurian might have been that, but they were not the Manchurian that he installed in his first brushes and that all believed he was selling. They were OK, but definitely of a lesser quality.
Ordered a brush (in stock i hasten to add) on the 20th of Jan, no reply, nothing
Sent him an email Sunday night, still no reply
Not impressed tbh
Saddened to hear these tales of woe. As mentioned in an earlier post, I ordered a custom brush from Gustavo & it arrived two weeks to the day after. As it was a Christmas present to myself, I refrained from opening until the big day & when I did, Wow what a gorgeous thing indeed. I ordered a Rustic Chubby in Bubinga with a 26mm x 50mm Manchurian fan knot & the hair , is sublime with the softest gel-like tips that make face lathering an unashamed luxury. I had the usual black stain leaching from the handle for the first couple of uses which is aparently normal but given the low prices, it's a very small price to pay. On the subject of price, it's interesting to compare prices to other Manchurian offerings from rival makers, especially if using the discount code TSN which gives a 10% discount. Gustavo's prices are exceedingly low considering that they are fashioned from African/South American hardwoods & not plastic.
I hope those that are still waiting receive their brushes are as satisfied as I have been, when they eventually receive their goods. It would appear that I simply got lucky which is unusual as normally my luck is so bad that if I fell into a barrel of tits, i'd come out sucking my thumb.
I already have one of his Manchurians and would love another however Monday i'll be contacting Paypal if i still haven't heard from him
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I deliberately chose an in stock item as i had seen posts about him. I realise some may feel its not actually been a long time span but 3 days after paying for it i paid James for my Wolfman which managed to arrive the weekend and after being nabbed by customs
I am normally not a fan of lathe turned handles but have to admit to a certain handmade bordering to homemade charm with the Romeras for example the Verzelli just might order one in briar or blackwood or olive then the question of knot...
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