Rolls razor's

I have been after a Rolls razor in good nick for a while to add to my ever increasing collection of shaving related items (I collect straights usually) a set of four all complete, were up for auction on E Bay on Sunday night with a buy now price of £50 plus £10 p&p, however the auction was open for bids with a starting bid of £0.99p so I took a punt for a laugh, reasoning that there was probably a reserve price and it would be interesting to see how much they eventually sold for.

Upon logging in to my e mail account today I was gobsmacked to discover that no one else had bothered to enter any bids and I had won the lot for £0.99p!

I would have probably bid up to about £10.99 to secure one Rolls in good condition, It seems that I have ended up with four of the buggers! Now I have the job of explaining to the missus just why I felt the need for four identical vintage items of dubious usefulness, I have therefore decided to promote said items as being most excellent for the purpose of removing female leg hair.

My problems do not end there sadly as I also won a separate auction for an old but restore-able razor strop, and Lillicrap's renowned patented razor blade hone made from an abominable shade of green glass (chucked in for good measure), the strop I will get away with but the hone? interesting paper weight perhaps?

I am busy at the moment trying to find my construction hard hat as I have the feeling that said hone might just be bouncing off my cranium in the not too distant future.


Women love a bargain, explain what happened and tell her you will sell the extra three rolls and make a profit, so you effectively will get the one you're keeping for nothing. She'll be happy with that.
Osdset - I saw about your bad luck with the Rolls - If you are stuck, PM me. I have a few and could part with one

They shave well if the blade is good. Easy to make a new strop from a nice piece of leather. My old man uses his every time he shaves. Only problem is that he has quite a deep scar on his jaw line which is difficult to get the safety bar into. He just touches up that part with a sensor.

I wish I could use mine more but the noise drives people crazy early in the morning. It does get the odd outing though.
Been interested in trying one but not sure what I should be looking for in a 'complete' setup.
Can someone go over what would be included in the complete kit? Also what questions to ask about condition.
Sorry for the late reply - this passed me by.

A complete "kit" would include

Good condition hone
Strop (easily replaced with a piece of leather so not ot paramount concern when buying)
box/mechanism with good friction clip unit
2x lids (one strop, one hone) they are different

that is it. It is my experience that most blades are good enough with a little careful time on the hone and a good thrashing on a good quality piece of leather put in the strop to be made shave worthy.

Except for a strop, I could put you a kit together and sort a blade or two as well. It would need stripping, cleaning and greasing but I can send you a good link on how to do that too. It wouldn't be the prettiest thing in the world but functions well.

I don't want anything for it either.
I really like the Rolls myself, it's between a SE and a straight, and it's a lovely piece of engineering. I own 2, and they both shave very differently, but I can't figure out why...

When you look for one, check out that there is no rust on the blade, and the hone isn't cracked. With 4 of them you should be able to have a complete one in good shape
