Rocnel SE review(s)

I'm not at all sure I can see how the jaggy bits could have cut you without the cutting edge corner having sliced your ear first. Those exposed corners will bar watching around ears and nose!

Great reviews, thanks, Db.

I had thought that myself. Perhaps there will be a Mk2 that is slightly wider, allowing those corners to be hidden but still allow fitting with the tabs.
I had thought that myself. Perhaps there will be a Mk2 that is slightly wider, allowing those corners to be hidden but still allow fitting with the tabs.

Also do keep in mind that anything I a review that comes down to how a shave goes/feels is very subjective. As soon as we have more reviews coming in it should be easier to eliminate any extreme outlier opinions.
Since I, after some teething, really came to like the Rocnel SE razor I ended up getting a second one. That..and I really wanted the stand as well

So the second Rocnel SE arrived...and joined the first one...

The stand are very simple in design - which goes well with the overall design of the Rocnel razor.
Basically a metal ball cut in half with a recessed hole drilled into it. It works and looks great though

They look handsome but some are starting to get concerned about the danger of getting caught by the tabs of the broken blade. What's your view of the risk?

Me, I cut my ear once the very first time I used it.
Have shaved with it 7-10 times after that and no nicks/cuts. I really like the thing. It's a bit 'rustic' in design but it shaves me well, is pretty inexpensive and looks, I think, really neat.
All things highly subjective of course
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