Rocket HD Performance

I'm struggling a bit with my new Rocket. I'm not sure why, but it feels as if it is aggressive and yet I can't get a close shave. I've tried many Gillettes over the last two years so I didn't think I would need to learn a new technique, maybe just adapt it slightly. But now I'm not so sure.
So far I've tried Astra Superior Platinum, Rapira Super Stainless, Trig and Gillette Bleue. The Astras felt the most aggressive but none offered a close enough shave.
I've got more blades to try but is there a particular Knack (shaving joke there) to using this razor? Maybe I just have a duffer but looks sound enough.
Odd. My HD500 (sadly departed) and my aluminium handle have both delivered excellent shaves, and seem to have quite a wide sweet spot.

I used a Gillette yellow last week and it worked well.

Something I have noticed is they are very 'vocal' razors. If it isn't working try altering the angle until you hear it mowing the stubble!
I'll try altering the angle again, thanks. I posted before this morning's shave. I thought since all the blades I like don't work well maybe it'd be worth trying a really bad blade. I stuck in a Dorco st 300 and it wasn't too bad. Still not close. Then I tried another Rapira and that was the closest yet. Maybe the last one was a duff blade. They are cheap after all. Anyway, Bleue and Rapira seem to work, so i'll use these sharper blades and see how I get on with others like them.
After everything that's been written here lately about them... I fear to say this: the Derby is my go to blade for Gillettes. Think Turkey bought all their old machines?
Derby? Ack! :s

My HD Rocket is fairly aggressive, but still needs three passes for a really close shave, where I might get away with two using an open comb. I also have an aluminium Rocket which has less blade exposure and is much milder, but whether that's deliberate or just down to tolerances, I don't know.
Your not alone fella, i have found this to be the mildest razor I've tried, in fact it's the only razor i can use a feather blade in and also the only razor i can shave directly against the grain. Not that its a bad razor in the case that it does give a good shave, its just takes an extra pass or two and the BBS doesn't last as long.
I haven't tried a Feather in it yet but will do soon. It's quite a difference from my usual Fatboys and EJ89. I'm getting used to it though. Part if the fun of this game (and the cost of this hobby)
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