RIP Rik Mayall

Just spent a wonderful hour watching Kevin Turvey and 20th Century Coyote on youtube - including Rik's fantastic poem: 'Theatre'.

If you want to see some of his old stuff, there's plenty there.
Yes, a real shock to me too. He has made me laugh so many times. As is often the case you don't always appreciate somebody fully until they're gone. Before today if you'd asked me to name my favourite comedians I don't think I'd have thought of him, but now looking back I remember that he has done so many wonderful things and made me roll about with laughter.
Saw him perform years ago (about 1978/9) at the Fringe Club in Edinburgh - he was funny then and his comedic inventions just got better and better. The "Dangerous Brothers" with Aid Edmonson was a piece of comic genius!

R.I.P. Rik Mayall - thoughts go out to his family.
I grew up watching the Young Ones, as someone said earlier I the thread, I still come out with random YO quotes, which sadly many don't recognise, but just occasionally people of the same era do! Comic genius, will be sadly missed, sounds like he died suddenly, I hope not in bad circumstances.
Re: RE: RIP Rik Mayall

Who could forget the wonders of crocodile snogging...
I was sad to hear this yesterday afternoon.

As a teenager, in the 80's, watching The Young Ones was the equivalent to punk TV. Its was anti-establishment as opposed to the normal sit-com/saturday night variety comedy that went before. I loved it, my parents didn't get it.
I watched the Comic Strip series, then Filthy Rich & Catflap, Bottom. All 'utterly brrrilliant'. Early stuff like Dangerous Brothers was great and my all time fave 'Mr Jolly Lives Next Door'

Rik will be sorely missed by a generation who grew up to the alternative comedy scene and knowing that, no matter what, Rik & Ade will never perform together again is a great loss.
