Right then, be honest....

Hey, get in line! :icon_mad:

You will all be in deep shit if your wives or girlfriends just happen to google something to do with shaving, and this thread happens to pop up and I guarantee If there's one thread they will read it will be one where it says how much do we spend on shaving gear.


You and I are thinking along the same path I edited my reply just to throw Mrs J off the sent, don't think it's going to work some how :dodgy:
You're assuming they don't know. Some of the posters may be honest with their partners (I know at least one who definitely is).
Honesty? Crikey, that's revolutionary! Ok, I'll be honest: just a couple of quid here and there, you know. Not much at all really.

The gaffer ain't daft, she knows but I'm still not putting figures in plain view to add to her ammunition.
Yes I've told Mrs J about how much things cost, with some adjustment ....
£100.........scratch off a 0 and it's transformed to £10 see I was a good boy in maths at school :dodgy:
Maths. The ability to make large numbers seem small and small numbers large when required and quickly. Marital Lesson #17
Me and Mrs Vinny have an understanding re money ... I can spend whatever I want on anything I want as long as I can afford it.

I have no credit card, no overdraft, no loans and only 4 months left on my mortgage so I could go nuts if I wanted ... unfortunately I'm a tight-fisted bastard, so I don't.
Way less than I've spent on my motorbike, or my PC and games, or probably even books if you take a long enough view. If you work out the cost per day It's minimal really. I think I've spent about £300 in the last year, but I could probably shave every day and not need to buy anything else for about a year or so.
Kudos to the guys who are dropping a couple of grand a year, I do think it's a bit cruel to shave your Great Danes and St Bernards every day though.
Probably about £400 (ish) since I started back in June but that's going to slow down now.

I may still be tempted to get a straight but that got put on hold as in general I'm happy with my DE razors. I've also realised that even though I have around 30 odd soaps and creams I'm using about 8 of those in regular rotation so I'll keep the others for when I fancy them but only replace the ones I seem to be using.

I've got a nice boar and a nice badger so I'm happy with my brushes and I have abuot 800 blades. I'd like to go over 1000 blades but these will be fairly cheap ones that I like (Trig, Supermax Stainless) so about another £20.

Once there I'm happy it'll be done and dusted for a while.

Honest :icon_rolleyes:
I think coming up to £400 over the last two years when stock piling soap and cream to try, not to mention the two weber razors and UFO Handles recently which has pushed me over. I'm good for a while though, would love one more brush and a couple of creams now I've thinned the herd.