Right then, be honest....

I reckon around £600 since April 2012 mostly on razors, though I have a fair bit of creams and soaps which should last a few years. This thread has got me thinking perhaps I should start selling some razors which don't get much use!!
Christ, this is what I've got ahead of me! :icon_razz:.

I've only been at it since Christmas, and maybe around 60-70, probably a bit under.

It will probably escalate rather quickly though!

I too have no vices, I don't drink, smoke, gamble or anything like that, so I'm entitled to something .

Just think, people who smoke 20 cigarettes a day, about £7.20 on average where I work (and forever on the rise!), that's £2,628 spent a year which you don't have anything to show for at the end of it. I agree that you derive whatever you do personally from it, but just think how much shaving stuff you could buy with that!

Myself and the good lady recently gave up smoking and the shaving stuff is my personal treat by way of reward. We smoked 20 each a day. Will save over £5,000 in year one alone - equivalent to an extra £7,500 in pay packet pre-tax and NI.

Congratulations to you both, doing it together must make it easier, and the reward of shaving stuff will do too . It seems madness to think about it, well done to you both, you'll be much better off now!
At a rough guess, a grand each on razors and brushes and half that on soaps, and half THAT on scents. Maybe three grand all told. I could probably sell it for two thirds of that, if I ever needed to; not that I'm likely to.
When I look at the amount I've spend and what I've recuperated from selling I'm about even, was my strategy from the beginning, I want to stay married ;-)
I don't think "collectors" count. Based on some pictures in the acquisitions threads I reckon some will be pushing 5 figures.

For them, this is a hobby and totally different to the lads running round like headless chickens buying and trying everything to get a slightly different shave.

Now then, where's K (N_Architect)? Some of his single acquisitions are more than the combined spending of the entire board so far.

You won't hear from K anymore. I have buried him in Epping forest and have assumed his identity and his credit card !!!

That boy has spent some serious wedge over the years. Last time he was in London i asked if he would adopt me but he wasn't in favour if the idea :-(