Review: Timeless Razor's OC model

Nice, still too much $$$ for me - $145/185 for head only is crazy money...
If it was $100 I'd probably have bought already!

I will agree.
$145-180 is on the high end for razor heads.
However, I don't think $100 is a 'realistic' price point for their heads taking the quality and competition into consideration.
(Note: "Realistic" is contextual here taking other similar offerings into consideration and what people are willing to pay - not what I could whip up in my make-belief tool shed ).

I believe Wolfman, who is the closest I can think of when it comes to quality, is about $135-140 for the head alone.
Knowing his waiting list I'd say he has priced them 'realistically'.

The handles are priced a lot more competitively at $50 which is, once again using poor James as a comparison, 50% off what a Wolfman handle will set you back.

Ideally a pricing where maybe $25 was moved from the head to the handle (or simply lowered) would, I think, position them really well with the competition. The quality is absolutely there but the pricing could be a tad lower.

A, completely made up, price list of $115/$140 for the heads and $50 for the handle would, I think, be a very attractive place. You could walk away with a full OC razor for $190 (compared to Wolfman, ok...I really need to start finding other reference points..but I'm lazy and the quality IS similar) where you'd pay about $235 for one.

We'll see what the future holds. They make one heck of a razor though
And, so does Wolfman
I know this thread is about the OC, but have you tried the SB version?

Intrested to know your thoughts on it.


Sorry my experience is limited to the OC model....BUT..having said that...I know at least two people on this forum that ordered the SB model so hopefully they will report on their experiences when they get them
Sorry my experience is limited to the OC model....BUT..having said that...I know at least two people on this forum that ordered the SB model so hopefully they will report on their experiences when they get them

Thanks Darkbulb,

These razor look very well made indeed and I'm slowly contemplating the SB version.

Look forward to reading more on them and your journey with the OC version.
If it's any help, Nishy ...... my Single Edge has been stuck at Heathrow customs since the 19th, so possibly a backlog.

Or, more likely, they're just bloody useless ...........
Jeez, I thought they may have found something untoward. Glad I'm not the only one.

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