Review: Timeless Razor's OC model

I had a very close shave yesterday with a vintage Swing razor so my stubble this morning wasn't too thick.

What I will do (to try the razor out with varying degrees of 'scruff') - is three shave reports;
#1 (today): One day's worth of stubble,
#2 (Thursday): Two days's worth of growth
#3 (Sunday/Monday): Three-four days of growth (timed nicely as I can use the weekend to caveman it a bit).

I'll make a more thorough summary of my thoughts on it next week after gone through the shave reports above.

That, brings us to;


Picked out a new Rapira blade for this morning's shave as I've use them in most razors and they're a pretty good, consistent baseline blade.

The blade sits securely and evenly in the head and displays a rather healthy bit of edge.

Another angle of the razor with a loaded blade:

From the side showing the curve of the blade

I'm still rather intrigued by the OC design in that it's an OC-SB hybrid.
The closest I can think of, top of my head and not having any of my razors near me, is caged head designs like you found on some Famex and Le Coq razors back in the days. It also reminds me a bit about the vintage Bohin DE razor but inverted.
If someone can refresh my memory about what modern razors sports a similar base plate design I'd like to hear as I can't think of one but I'm thinking there are some that I can't recall.

Before I forget it, here's a finger-balance photo attempting to show how the weight is distributed with the original handle

Anywho, off to the den I went.
Soaked my brush, picked out Tabac as my soap du jour, showered and got on with the shave.

Remember this is a shave with just one days's worth of beard growth and I'd say I'm a "mid-density yet rather coarse" grower.

First pass (WTG):
Right away I like the audible feedback from the razor. Maybe it's the design that allows the sound to 'echo' a bit behind the curved up teeth. First impressions is that it's a very, very efficient razor. There's no doubt that it's an OC base plate in how it allows the lather to pass through.
The demi-cage design (in lack of better word) removes the sometimes 'harsh' feeling that you can sometimes have when using traditional OC razors where you have pronounced teeth ends against your face.

Second pass (ATG):
It's a rather aggressive razor. Not anywhere near say a King Cobra razor but it's a razor that feels as if the bark could turn into a bite if you're careless. Probably around a 7-8 on a Gillette Slim.
The handle did, in use, feel a bit too short for me. I would have loved an additional 15mm on it. Next I'll try the head on a somewhat longer handle.

After two passes I was dolphin smooth. No nicks or cuts. A very close and smooth shave.

Shown in some earlier photos are the a bit oversized 'drain holes' (I really need to work on my terminology) in the base plates and I thought it would be fun to show what they do while shaving;

As you can see they actually allow quite a bit of lather to go through them.
I'm not sure yet if it dramatically reduced the number of times I rinsed the razor while shaving but I thought it was a fun photo and I'll make a note of checking for that in subsequent shaves.

Performance is the hardest thing to describe in any review. It's easy to show photos of design and features but performance is so subjective that I sometimes wonder if it makes any sense to even try. But, I would summarize my this shave report like this;

I have a mid-density, coarse beard growth and am not prone to having overly sensitive skin when shaving.
The razor felt very efficient (meaning it took down a noticeable amount of stubble with each stroke), audible (good feedback) and somewhat on the aggressive side (meaning 75% towards a bite instead of a bark) but stayed well under control and delivered a very smooth shave without any cuts.

I hope that makes sense.

(I did btw notice that they have now enabled ordering on their site again but due order volume there appears to be a week's leadtime on fullfillment).
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The side view reminds me of the side view of the iKon Shavecraft #101, which is on the left in this photo:

Thanks - that's very much like it
On another forum a member was kind enough to refresh my memory that the base plate shape has some similarities with, for instance the Futur (not an OC base plate of course):

We couldn't think of any contemporary OC models though but if you go back 70-80 years the design can be found in a few German razors such as this Punktal 101 DC one;

I really enjoyed the shave today and found the base plate design to add quite a bit to the pleasurable shave so I'm surprised that there are not more modern takes on this design concept.

The TR does extend the demi-cage to all teeth though in a way that neither the iKon nor the old Punktal does (meaning all the teeth have the same curve/demi-cage as the end-teeth).
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Thanks for the review Darkbulb and I look forward to seeing how you get on with it on Thursday and over the weekend. Of all the modern stainless steel razors I have seen reviewed on this site and elsewhere, this is the first one for me that I am left after reading the review and, particularly, from looking at the pictures, feeling I'd really love one of those. I think, for me, this razor has a very vintage aesthetic while being ultra modern at the same time and that is a curious but very pleasant mix in my opinion. Coupled with providing a good shave (so far)it is this combination, which sets it apart for me from the others razors shown in your photo. I really do hope that the Thursday and Weekend shaves go well because I can see myself dropping a few hints for Christmas.
If it was being machined by hand I'd agree with you, but once the CNC machine is programmed there's no extra work for the operator. I'd be interested to know how much longer the program takes to run for the OC.
I don't understand the extra charge for the open comb version either. If it was hand machined, it would be understandable, but since it's CNC...

Maybe the extra cost is for extra time spent polishing? I still think it's overpriced. At least when compared to the bar guard version.
The price is high, no doubt. However, I am sure they are contracting it with some CNC machine shop and that is not cheap if done in a 1st World country. We have become spoiled by too many cheap products made by Third World coolies. Here's a commonly used formula:


M= All material cost
w= Wastage factor (about 10%)
L= All labor charge
b= Shop burden (about 40%)
P= Profit markup (10-30%)
S= Sales Prices
They are a family of machinists with their own machine shop, according to their own website. If they were contracting it out, the price hike would be understandable, but since it's being made "in house," it doesn't make much sense.
Of course, since they own their own shop maybe they only need to sell a small amount monthly as I imagine this is not their 'bread & butter' so to speak. Regardless, it simply amazes me how many people are drawn to these modern high end razors. Oh well, that leaves more vintage ones available.
Thanks for the review Darkbulb! Very interesting razor.

I find the modernish handle not to fit the vintage looking head, though. Something more playful, rounder, more organic looking would fit well here. I see so many amazing handles in the SOTD, like these Triad Aristocrat ones.

The Baseplate looks from the side a lot like one of a merkur Progress - but improved with teeth and 'drainholes' (even I understand the meaning of this - very understandable even for a non native speakers like me!).

The pricetag is indeed shocking. I wouldn't want to shave with such an expensive razor, my hand would tremble with fear of letting it fall...
Shave Report #2

Second time using the TR OC razor.
This time I allowed for a bit more stubble to build up (two days worth of it).
Next shave report will be on Sunday/Monday with 3-4 days of stubble to mow down.

Lathered up some Jabonman 'Rosas' soap using my le Tuft brush that might take the place as the best brush I own.
Last shave I felt that the handle was not quite long enough for me so I decided to switch to a slightly longer handle mid-shave.

Loaded up the same Rapira blade that I used a few days ago and 'went to work'.

First Pass (WTG):
Same good audible feedback and the razor really mows down the stubble.
"Efficient" is the one word that comes to mind as I shave and I find myself thoroughly enjoying the shave.
It's hard to describe how 'aggressive' the razor is. It constantly feels as if it could bite me but I am making the way through the shaves unscathed. In the first shave report I said I'd equate it to a Slim on 7-8 and in lack of a better way to judge it I will stay with that rating.

Second Pass (ATG):
Switched out the TR handle for a Wolfman WRH7 handle, lathered up and went in for the next pass.
Ah! This is more like it. The slightly longer handle really works for me and even though it's just 12mm or so I find myself maneuvering the razor with greater ease and more comfortable.
I am also now noticing a difference in the knurling on the handle. The TR handle's knurling feels just a bit too pronounced when compared to the more subtle pattern on the Wolfman. Ideally I'd love to have a TR handle that was slightly longer and thicker and where the knurling was toned down a bit.
I'm noticing that for some reason the audible feedback is enhanced during the ATG pass.

At the end of the second pass I was completely clean shaven. It's not that often that I get away with this close a shave (other razors that deliver that for me is for instance the King Cobra and the M.Peroni). I mean, my face is very, very smooth.

I'm developing a serious crush on the head - both from how it looks but more importantly how it shaves.
This demi-cage design is, for me, very successful.
As mentioned the handle is where it falls a bit short (no pun intended) for me with a knurling that it just a bit too pronounced for my, apparently, delicate hands.

Cleaning up the sink and putting away all the stuff I feel my face and feel almost sad that I won't shave again for three days.

Stay tuned for how it handles a bit more growth.