Review: The General SE razor

Just ordered one. What blades do you recommend?
I've tried several, but my favourites are Feather Professional, Professional Super and Kai Captain Sharpblade.

The Kamisori blade was great in my Mongoose razors, but somehow doesn't shine in The General.

I also have some Schick P-20 blades, which have had good reports and which I'll try next. The downside with all these blades is that they last so long it's difficult to rotate through them quick enough to satisfy my impatience.

Nice one.

The Shick P-20 blades have proved great for me, better than Feather Pros anyway. In both the Colonial Generial and RR Hawk.
Pink Kai Captains are pretty good, too - they feel mild, but seem to cut better than Feather Pros (in the RR Hawk for me).
My first use with the brass General today and it gave me a great shave, I can't say it was a better shave that I get from the Claymore which is slightly heaver at 143gms, the General being 130gms but I thought they both shaved about the same, YMMV.
The razor is well made and has the added bonus of being brass so has great heat retention. The two razors in profile are quite similar with the claymore having slightly more mass in the head and a longer handle, I prefer the shorter handle on the General which affords plenty of grip for me. So although I feel the two razors shave about the same the General wins out because of the method of manufaturer, the metal used, the slightly smaller profile and the handle length.
As I feel they give such a similar shave imo I will be letting the Claymore go to a new home and will put my General into general rotation with the rest of my razors.
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I feel that though they are quite similar regards ease of use and smoothness, the General is ahead on quality of the finished Shave.
Also depends on your beard, have seen some that only need a minimum of effort to remove.
Yes of course, everyone has different beard types and hairs that grow in strainge directions and some people may only have bum fluff to remove, mine I would say was medium density and of medium texture with trouble spots around my chin and neck. This is why I always add YMMV at the end of most things because we are all different, I don't disbelieve what others have to say about their experance with anything be it a razor or blades ect because we are all different .
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