Review: Sanguine XD20 Shavette (a.k.a: Yellow Peril)

South of France
Man of Leisure was kind enough to pif on an unwanted XD20 to me.. (originally from Tazzbaby)
He's named it yellow peril, and never used it...

Ok, where to start, I did a review on the Dovo shavette, so I think a comparaison is in order.
I had 3 days growth, so a good bit to chop off.

First of all, the XD20 feels a lot more solid then the Dovo, however it looks like its price: cheap.
But don't let looks get you, this is a good piece of kit, for very little money.


I used the the exact same setup as last time: Shark, KoS, MWF, NF2211.

Fitting the blade can be a bit of a fiddle, on my first go the blade was not lined up properly.
I do prefer the way the blade is held compared to the Dovo and the cheap plastic sleeve.

A lot of the gripes I had with the Dovo seem lesser with the XD20.
The heavier front (blade end), allows you to let the razor do all the work, no pressure needed.
This translates to a more confortable shave all round.

  • Heavier. (weight of a straight)
    Blade exposure quite visible.
    Feels better balanced.

    • The scales are horrid looking.
      Rivet pin looks like it won't last long...
      Fiddlely blade change. (but better than the Dovo)[/list:u]

      Conclusion: If I had to chose between the Dovo and the xd20, the xd20 wins it hands down, and costs 1/3 of the price.
      The Dovo looks like it's maybe better made, but I doubt it'll last you 3 times as long!
      If you want to try a shavette, this is the one to get.
      I think you could probably get away with it as a newbie, but still can't beat a straight when starting out.
      If ever I got fed up with the whole stropping honing etc.. I'd probably turn to this as a viable alternative.

      These are available for less than 8 quid (inc P&P) off the bay of evil.





      Sanguine XD20 on the scales (loaded)


      Dovo shavette on the scales (loaded)


      Balance point of both shavettes (loaded)
The XD20 looks to have the same method of holding the blade as this.


Only about £8 from The Shave Shack. Used one this morning and had a fantastic shave. The razor itself is well made and feels substantial. This is the one I would recommend.
Right the Yellow Peril as pifed by me to Max had in fact on my second attempt shaved my cheeks. I can tell you on my first attempt my bottle went looking at myself in the mirror with what looked for all the world like a straight. Plucking up the courage 2 days later managed to actually shave my cheeks and surprised myself, however after that never had the urge to return to Yellow. Was then glad when I found Max wanted to try one of these to compare with another shavette he had just tested.
As it stands I am more than happy with DE shaving and take my hat off to the lads that regularly use straights, or a shavette.
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