Review: Rockwell 6C razor


Almost regretting not backing the 6C Kickstarter.


At least I have the Rockwell Adjustable to look forward to.

Same here. At least the 6c is still available for pre order on Indiegogo for $45, which was the regular kickstarter price. After DB's review, I am seriously staring at that page every other day and reminding myself I already have the Model T and Colonial General black coming in.

I think the Model T might be really interesting. That's one razor that *I* am now sort of questioning myself if maybe I should have backed
You really like to rub it in don't you???
I think the Model T might be really interesting. That's one razor that *I* am now sort of questioning myself if maybe I should have backed
I did, and it can't arrive soon enough. Quite apart from anything else, I really like the idea of an adjustable that is "user-serviceable". That, incidentally, is the voice of experience speaking after a Gillette mishap, where I got a bit too clever for my own good.