Restored Razor

You can try to straight the scales out by putting them into hot water and bend them back into shape if they are ruined then you have nothing to lose however I have straighted some really bad twist out of scales using this method. If they are chipped then you can sand them down using wet and dry then buff back up I use autosol on the scales to get the final finish by hand. I have spent a lot of time on SRP looking at restoration and use all the methods they describe. If you are using a Dremel to polish the blade be very careful of the rotation as I have snapped 2 blades now. Also watch out for the heat. One tip I am learning about the hard way is find out if the blade takes an edge and is easy to sharpen I have three razors that look fantastic but I can’t sharpen because they are very badly warped and at the moment I haven’t got the skill to get a consistent edge on them. Maybe after I have sharpened a lot more blade I will come back to them and try again.