Replacement DE heads?

Hi all, I'm looking for replacement De shaver head again and wondered if anyone can recommend suppliers?
It's due to the usual thread wearing out screwing the handles off and on changing the blades.
I don't think there's any solution to this problem but have found in the past buying the heads was almost as expensive as buying the complete razor?
Thanks again.
The Muhle R89 head has a brass screw post as opposed to the usual Zamak found on the EJ and others. The Merkur closed comb also has a brass post. I appreciate brass is still a relatively soft metal compared to stainless but it’ll wear a whole lot better than Zamak and is much more corrosion resistance.

That said, I love the idea of cutting a new thread with tap and die set. Proper is that.

If the thread is chrome plated Zamak (a zinc alloy), there is probably not a lot you can do as Zamak deteriorates when exposed from under the plating. In the longer term it's probably more cost effective to either purchase a razor with brass threads as a minimum e.g. Muhle or a cheaper stainless steel or brass razor. The Razorock Gamechanger range IMHO represents fair VFM
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Thanks guys, I'll look into the brass screw heads but I'll maybe try the tap and die idea too, nothing lost if it doesn't work. Cheers.