Recommend me some good television series to watch please!

House of cards ....Kevin spacey is amazing good storyline too
Mr robot..really original series about hackers trying to reset the worlds debt as 500 people own 66% of word money
House, lie to me, the mentalist (1-4 are great)
Anybody being gripped by 'Deadliest catch' on Quest? It's a fly on the wall look at crab fisherman on the Bering sea. Real life Drama.

Deadliest Catch been around for donkey's years - it's decent and grips you for a while, but 10 years on it tend to be the same old thing over and over. I tune in the odd time to watch the occasional punch up or the latest GreenHorn realize "wtf have I let myself in for?"
Finished 'made a murderer' last night. The US legal system has a lot to answer for.
It was pretty horrifying, finished it last night at 2am, whether or not he did it there needs to be some serious review of the proceedings and build up.

There's some interesting allegations coming out now against the makers of the documentary where they, it is claimed, half-way through the documentary started to be rather 'selective' in what evidence/proof they would feature. A less black-and-white story wouldn't have the same conspiracy/legal incompetence impact. I have zero doubts that the US legal system have HUGE issues but I am always a bit skeptical when watching a documentary that does come across as being rather biased.
Yes totally agree a film wouldn't work without hyperbole. But what is fascinating is how a constitutional right is freedom of speech yet their opinion is considered to be bias. Let's face it bias already exists as is evident from the 1st trial. A structured debate may hold less weight for the defence.

Agree on all points. I think that what some people took issue with is that it was marketed as a documentary - but having said that there isn't really, as far as I know, any rule that a documentary is unbiased - it simply is a way to portray a nonfictional event. Nonetheless an interesting tale and makes me even more intent on not getting into any trouble with the US legal system