Recommend me some good television series to watch please!

Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

Just remembered how much I enjoyed Misfits which is still available here:

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Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

Have to echo that PC , thoroughly enjoyed Misfits.
Not sure about "the event" yet .
'Fringe' ,'house' , 'Lie to me','The mentalist' ,'Stargate universe' I'm hoping I'll be able to get my hands on "the walking dead' when it airs and that it'll be worth watching. Also 'Being Human' should be back soon
Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

Burn Notice
Lie To Me
Human Target
the InBetweeners
Son's of Anarchy
White Collar
Law & Order Special Victims Unit
Rizzoli & Isles
Top Gear
The Mentalist

joe mcclaine said:

No, seriously.

It is very 'camp' and cheezy but very, very watchable with some brilliant laugh out loud moments.

And that is coming from the toughest, blokiest bloke on the damn planet!

Nip/Tuck > Glee

Lost my respect for Murphy and Falschmuck when they thrashed Nip/Tuck
Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

Yay...Mongrels has been recommissioned. Vince is my role model and Nelson is Pigcat's although he doesn't know it.

Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

Thought I'd give Mongrels a go a few weeks back, but after a couple of minutes had to turn off. I just couldn't cope with it. Perhaps I should give it a chance, especially to find out more about that lovely Nelson character.

On a slightly tenuous connection I did enjoy I Am Not An Animal. Found this. Forgotten how funny it is.


"We sell both together in a festive pack" :lol:
Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

What couldn't you cope with? It was a bit hit and miss but they are only puppets.
Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

antdad said:
What couldn't you cope with? It was a bit hit and miss but they are only puppets.

The language was perhaps too 'street' for me and I just didn't warm to any characters either. I didn't give it more than five minutes but something just didn't click. Perhaps I'm getting old or just disconnected from some parts of popular culture. :roll: You, Tony, are obviously still hip to the groove.
Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

+1 'fraid i too found it just unfunny and lacking character :| But then, i regard animals as leather covered meat and have never had or wanted a pet.

I'm not mad on kids either (don't worry son if you're reading this, you're 17 and can drive me around soon ), but think South Park remains the funniest thing on TV - bar none.
Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

Ah well, these things usually take time to appreciate or not. TBH I've never heard or seen most of what folks have listed in this thread so I'm not surprised I end up liking what others don't.

Just remember puppets can get away with anything.
Re: Recommend me some good television series to watch please

I know you're looking for stuff to watch together but if you get some spare time on your own then Band Of Brothers is well worth a shufty.

I missed it first time round and everyone was telling me how great it was - which put me off it from the start.

Then, by chance I happened to catch the last 10 minutes of one episode and bought the box-set based on that 10 minutes alone.