Razor Travel Case

Hoping someone can help in recommending a travel case for my EJ 87. I have noticed that most places stock the Merkur or Parker leather cases. Has anyone got either of these? Would they be a suitable size for my EJ razor? There is only a couple of quid difference in price that I can see between the two so wondered if they were basically the same?

I have the Merkur travel (soft leather) case. It's very nice and practical, albeit pricey.

If you consider that I use it to store my R89 and the case itself costs more than the razor, it's sometimes a tough call to buy or not. I do not have pictures now but have posted it in some of my SOTDs pics weeks back.

It will fit your razor. It actually fits the Muehle R89, EJ same style razor, it even fits the Merkur 38C (just a bit tight on this one, but not much).
It will also fit easily a pack of blades.

Welcome to TSR.
Blyth, do you know if there is lining covering the inside bit of the popper on your case? I read somewhere that the Merkur's internal popper was exposed and can scratch your razor. I was vering towards the Parker for the price so if the lining is good it may be a winner!

I'll check tonight and let you know...but when you say scratches I wouldn't have thought that they will prove to be either significant or noticable on your razor, from such a thing.

No matter, this evening I intend to investigate.

I have a Merkur travel case like this:

The leather is very soft, in the handle part the rear of the popper is protected by a penny sized piece of felt which is stuck over it. Its well glued on, but I guess it could come off, although mine is showing no signs of it. If it did come off then it could be easily rectified as per HM's comment above.
Beware if you're looking for something like this, that there are two types of this case.

One is longer than the other. The standard one, if I am not mistaken, is ideal for razors of the length size similar to the Futur.
The slightly longer one is for razors of the Vision 2000's length.

Not all vendors carry both versions.

Well I had my forefinger into the sheath <cough, cough> and it is so smooth to be almost imperceptable. It's a Parker and - I rechecked - the EJ DE89L fits perfectly.

Nice bit of kit.