Razor sterilising.

I'm waiting on a 1967 Superspeed Flare Tip - from India bizarrely. It's listed as in very good condition, which would appear to be true from the pictures. But I obviously want to clean/sterilise it. Whats the recommended technique for this? Disinfectant? Boiling in water?

EDIT - I've just done a search, probably should have done that first....... But I welcome anyone's thoughts
There's some good advice on cleaning/sterilizing on the Badger and Blade website. You can use Borax then hydrogen peroxide (ask for at Boots) as I did on my Slim (eBay buy). Boiling is not generally recommended, I believe. Also, a 10% bleach solution is also recommended by some, and will kill all germs. You could purchase Barbicide, but for 1 razor maybe not worth the cost.
Hope this helps, but check out B&B website. :shave
Get to a local Sallys Salon Service store and buy some Barbicide, this is used by barbers and manicurists to sterilise their tools. You can mix it to hospital grade strength and it does not affect the finish like bleach might do, boiling can be done but again you do risk some deterioration of the finish. Next to an autoclave Barbicide is the most effective way of sterilising razors with no damage but do not stick a brush in Barbicide unless you want blue bristles.

For brushes use Borax and/or Vinegar or some shampoo/fairy liquid and then a vinegar rinse, the acidity of the vinegar counters the alkaline of the soap, so it is a reverse reaction. Sure the brush may smell of vinegar for that first use but it does get rid of built up soap scum quite well.

Handy link with videos for cleaning brushes; <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shaveinfo.com/videos/brush_cleaning.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.shaveinfo.com/videos/brush_cleaning.htm</a><!-- m -->
Thanks for the replies fella's. I picked up a bottle of Barbicide from ebay for just over a fiver, so it should last me a while! (Just in case I get into this vintage razor collecting lark) :lol:
If you ask over at B&B your gonna get a right ear full about over cleaning and complex discussions about the life span of Hepatitis outside the body..
Shortly followed by others telling you you should be extra careful and make sure to only use a razor thats been through a 100 step process that possibly involves the magical disinfectant pixies.

Sod it - Give it a scrub with a toothbrush + mild cleaning product and / or 15 mins or so in an Ultrasonic cleaner, then give it 5 mins in barbicide, polish and use it.
Ive done it to 40 odd razors over the last 3 years and im still here..
Audiolab said:
... but do not stick a brush in Barbicide unless you want blue bristles.

How blue? How permanent? How bad are any other effects?
  • *thinks of blued brushes*[/list:u]

    How cool would that be?!?!
    • *thinks of blued brushes some more*[/list:u]
        • I might needs to invest in some Barbicide ...Woot![/list:u][/list:u]

          Um, ...
          • Isn't Barbicide the illegal destruction of girls' dolls?
            • ... at least my sister said that, when we were kids.
              • Well, it did keep some of her toys intact ...[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
You make a good point about B&B Attero, it's possible to get too much advice and too many recommendations, I think. You can end up trawling through hundreds of posts and pages looking for one simple bit of advice :? Just nicked the lead off me in the Fantasy Football :evil: Hope I get some good points tomorrow, what happened to Alves? Have to sub him!
Well the old Gillette I cleaned up, got a soak in vinegar, a solution of then dishwasher powder, then a solution of bio washing powder. Then I washed it in hot water and used it! No idea if that was a good thing to do but I was happy that there would be little to worry about!
rich_ant said:
You make a good point about B&B Attero, it's possible to get too much advice and too many recommendations, I think. You can end up trawling through hundreds of posts and pages looking for one simple bit of advice :?

Thats the principle reason I signed up here over B&B - too much advice is a bad thing! And UK advice is worth twice that of US advice for a product you can't get.
They are overly fond of thier own voices and opinions some of em it has to be said...

Just nicked the lead off me in the Fantasy Football :evil: Hope I get some good points tomorrow, what happened to Alves? Have to sub him!

Only a point in it tho, had to sub that halfwit Cesar as well.. he was doing gloriously till he let the Dear Leaders representatives put the ball past him... As i waved bye bye to all those points there was much foul language.
I give mine a good soak in Mr Muscle Bathroom spray to get rid pf limescale and gunk, give them a scrub with a toothbrush, soak them in Boots baby sterilising solution (half a tablet to a litre of water) and then polish if required.

I wonder if Boots do adult sterilising tablets? I can think of a few adults that would benifit society with a bit of sterilising! :twisted:
Dare I suggest that it is the blades that are the infection risk, not the razor. A good scrub with a nailbrush and soapy water should do the trick, although I do have the luxury of an industrial ultrasonic bath and autoclave in work ! :twisted:

There is a thread somewhere on Bombs and Bullets from a prat worried that some blades are made in countries that are 'enemies of the US' :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dare I suggest that it is the blades that are the infection risk, not the razor.

Oh aye. But where most razorblades come clean packaged - so your can be pretty sure about them. You never do know about Razors..
In the immortal words of Cory from shaveblog - You never know when your Vintage find was last used to Shave some hobos backside.

I just like to be sure in my own head you know.