razor heads

in the tto razors, the handle is supposedly a force fit into to the base plate and then occasionally peened over to make it secure.

I am wondering why I see so many do it yourself videos on youtube telling me its safe to remove the base plate forma tto razor any time I want to.
I've seen some of those. It goes against all the advice regarding TTOs that I've ever read. Even Razor Emporium, for example, will attempt repair but warn they don't have the equipment Gillette used to peen over the end to secure to the blade plate, so won't guarantee it.

Best left alone, I think, unless you can afford to risk scrapping the razor.

I've done it once out of necessity and was successful, but wouldn't recommend unless it's needed to save an otherwise unusable razor. Big risk of there not being enough metal retained on the handle to effect a proper join.
the thing is look up the captain murphy videos on razor work, in all of them he removes the complete head of a slim, a fat boy, and a flare tip. all go on fine.

its supposed just clamp in place in a wood block cut in half and drilled out, and slowly twist the base plate off after removing the doors/tbar/tto mechanism.

reinstalling in all videos I see is simply, put the base plate on, install the tto mechanism and use the tto knob to "close" the doors, and pull the base plate back on.

Murphy is the number 1 man with razors in the USA. people will wait 3 months just to have him check out a razor.