Raspberry pi B

My son has a PS3 and an XBox 360, and will soon (no doubt) be getting a PS4.

He has mentioned the Raspberry Pi a few times - what damage could he do with one if I treated him to one?

If he gives me his XBox / PS3 at upgrade time ... would one of these doodads be of any use to me? I listen to music on itunes and spotify but that's about it.

He can do plenty of damage - it's a fully programmable, internet connected computer and, if he develops the skills, he could take down the world with it! Or at least make a bit of a nuisance of himself online.

However, the reality is that it's just a cheap little computer that makes it easy to learn to start programming. In its ideals, it's very close to the 1980's BBC Model B. I reckon you should give him one and see how he develops - it's a fair bit more mind expanding that playing the latest shoot em up on the PS4.

In terms of the XBox / PS3, both will make decent media centres - the PS3 has a good selection of networked video providers (e.g. lovefilm, 4od, iplayer, etc.). I have no specifics more than that - we're still struggling along with a PS2 and a Wii.
Damn just seem to have logged onto the wrong forum, this one has threads in double Dutch!

I wish I had more knowledge of this stuff or had the time to do more with it!
They are fairly benign Vinny, but then again a heavy chemistry book in the right hands is a weapon. It is worth a small punt in case the young chap turns out to be a Gates or Jobs (and will obviously look after his old dad).
Audiolab said:
They are fairly benign Vinny, but then again a heavy chemistry book in the right hands is a weapon.

Even a light one from the 1930s... it's where I learned all about the chemistry of nitrogen, some party tricks involving silver triiodide and other items in similar related japery.

Guess who ended up at one point in his life working in a dynamite factory in Mechelen?
Re: RE: Raspberry pi B

Osama Bin Laden?