RANT! about cars overtaking cyclists

What companies found out was that they were having to fire an ungodly amount of people as human nature left to its own devices.................... Think of it like a door lock. We all have & use them even though we may live in areas with zero crime. Too many people are like the old saw "give 'em an inch and they think they are a ruler". The current Millennial generation thinks that personal Internet/cell phone usage is a God given right for that matter. I remember reading an officer's account of a staff meeting he attended in the current Middle East "dust up" whereas cells per protocol are prohibited from being turned on. During the briefing an idiot subaltern's cell rang and the presiding Colonel calmly strode over, demanded the cell and then heaved it against the wall breaking it.
As long as it doesn't offend anyone i.e. porn, disease pics, wounds etc. we don't care what you look at as long as your work gets done. If you want to install and play games on your break then help yourself, we don't mind. We work in IT, knowing what you are doing on the net is part of the job.
It's an interesting one; within the business I work, colleagues of mine (and sometimes myself) have to look at some things which might be considered untoward by some. Couple that with my job role and you have yourself something teetering on the edge of 'anarchists cookbook' or similar. Obviously, we have to tread lightly and have a motive behind searches etc. but it's probably far heavier than the everyday computer use. What is frowned upon is the use of work equipment for personal use, including internet use for hobbies. Again, some members have a bit more leeway as their job may require some menial, non-computer aspects in which case watching videos or browsing forums may be considered acceptable. As you said, Count, it broils down to 'is your work getting done'?

I like the notion of 'looking at things my mam would be happy to see'. More people should take that approach.
We're all adults, getting your work done is what you are paid for after all.
We cut slack for images on customers computers - sometimes you just have to work round them...
Well here we are again!

Wave from the cyclist and a return blast on the horn from her...
I thought you should always overtake down country roads, over the brow of a hill, round a blind bend?

The stupidity of people in this world, moreover on our roads, forever astounds me.


Edit: I was calling the other driver a twp, not yourself, Count.
May I take this opportunity to advertise the Shaving Room Forum Strava club.
A cosy little club for cyclists, runners & swimmers that use the Strava app to track their activities.

You can pop in anytime and let us know how close you came to death due to a moronic driver

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